Chapter 2 Lesson 1
- Studying Geography
The Earth’s Surface- the earth is a sphere
- Globes show true distance and direction yet are impractical due to size and shape
- Maps are portable and easy to carry yet cannot show true size, shape distance and direction at the same time
Finding Places on the Earth
- Equator: divides the northern & southern hemisphere
- Prime Meridian: divides the eastern and western hemisphere
- Latitude: lines that circle the earth parallel to the Equator
- Longitude: lines that circle the earth parallel to the Prime Meridian
- Projections: way to show the Earth’s sphere on a flat sheet of paper distorting it as least as possible
Kinds of Map Projections
- Goode’s Interrupted Equal-Area Projection-realistic representation of continents’ sizes and shapes
- Projection-land, size and distance quite distorted
- Robinson Projection-true picture of land size and shape however the Poles are distorted
- Winkel Tripel Projection-Most closely resembles globe model
- Five themes and Six Elements of Geography
Five Themes of Geography
Six Essential Elements
- The world in Spatial terms: awareness
- Places and regions: ie., landforms, climate, animal and plant life, culture
- Physical systems: hurricanes, volcanoes, glaciers
- Human Systems-how people shape our world
- Enviornment & Society-how people use the environment and how their actions affect the environment
- The uses of geography: helps us understand the relationship btw people, places and things.
Types of Maps:
- Physical Maps: show land and water features
- Political Maps: show the names and borders of countries
- Special Purpose Maps show patterns (climate, population) or historical information
Reading Maps:
- Key/Legend: symbols
- Scale: measuring line that tells you distance
- Cardinal Direction: compass (n, s, e or w)
- Population & Culture-Historians are interested in how population, culture, movement, ideas and goods change over time
Population Shifts: how fast a population grows or shrinks over time
- Choropleth: uses color to show population density (how many people live in a sq. mile)
- Migration-population changes by location. People settling in different places
Culture and Change:
- Culture: set of beliefs, behaviors and traits shared by the members of a group.
- Cultural Diffusion- caused by migration, exploration, or trade. Two cultures combine each sharing a part of their culture with the other.
Chapter 2- Lesson 2
- Economics- is important because our society buys and sells goods and services every day.
People need RESOURCES to make goods and offer services:
- land,
- labor,
- capital
- entrepreneurship
- technology
Supply & Demand
- Supply: the amount of goods and services a producer wants to sell
- Demand: the amount of something that a consumer wants to buy
- Scarcity: lack of a resource
- Opportunity cost: what is given up (money or time) in order to buy or make something
- Managing and Measuring Economics
Economic Systems:
- Traditional economy-based on custom
- Command economy-government decides what goods will be made and who will receive them
- Market economy- individual decides about what to make, sell or buy in an open market
Measuring Economics-
- Boom-economy grows quickly
- Recession-economy grows slowly or shrinks
- Inflation-a rise in the prices or the supply of money
Trade in History
- Export
- Import
- Barter
- Globalization
Lesson 3-Practicing Citizenship
Principles of Government
- Representative government: citizens vote for officials
- Federal system: highest authority
- Separation of Powers
Checks and Balances
- Legislative Branch
- Judicial Branch
- Executive Branch
- Rights of a US citizen: seek life liberty and happiness, vote, peaceful gatherings, religion, petition, fair trial (jury)
- Responsibilities: obey all laws, serve on jury, stay informed on issues, respect the rights and views of others
- Global Citizen: learning about different issues that affect the world as a whole.