
Throughout my undergraduate and now graduate education experience, I have thoroughly studied many research-based reading instruction scholars and their theories of effective reading instruction that are best for the success of the students. Some of these include, but are not limited to, SVR, Scarborough’s Rope, National Reading Panel, Science of Reading. Please scroll down to read a little more about each of these research-based resources. 

SVR- Simple View of Reading 

The Simple View of Reading equation was formulated by two theorists, Gough and Tunmer in 1986. The two theorists created this equation based off of their beliefs that reading has two important components. These two components are decoding and language comprehension. This formula emphasizes four important ideas Gough and Tunmer researched to enhance an educators knowledge on reading comprehension and help students reach their full potential during reading comprehension. As you look at the diagram below,

keep these four important ideas in mind.


  1. This formula ensures us that in order for strong reading comprehension to take place, both decoding skills and language comprehension have to be present. 
  2.  Struggling readers must have instruction that includes their specific weaknesses. These specific weaknesses may include decoding, language comprehension, or both. 
  3.  For teaching and assessment purposes, language comprehension and decoding skills are distinct from one another, but in order for a student to achieve reading comprehension, both language comprehension and decoding skills are needed. 
  4. This mathematical formula, researched by Gough and Tunmer (1986), contains three variables. If one variable is missing in this equation, reading comprehension cannot occur. 

Linda Farrell, Michael Hunter, Marcia Davidson, Tina Osenga (2019) |

Scarborough's Reading Rope 

Scarborough's Reading Rope is an info graphic made by Dr. Hollis Scarborough to aid parents in the comprehension of the complex skills involved in reading comprehension. As you look at the info graphic below, ponder on these two questions! 

  1. Are you able to see the complex skills needed to achieve reading comprehension more clearly through this info graph? 
  2.  Similar to the Simple View of Reading (Gough and Tunmer, 1986),  can you understand that reading comprehension cannot occur without language comprehension and word recognition through the end of the interwoven rope? 

| Scarborough, H. S. (2001) | Handbook for research in early literacy (pp. 97–110). New York, NY: Guilford Press. |

The National Reading Panel

Congress asked the Director of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) to create a panel to assist in assessing the statuses and effectiveness of numerous approaches to teaching children to read.  The National Reading Pannel is required to create plans which include effective reading instruction that are research-based. These plans are found at https://www.nichd.nih.gov/research . This website is reliable research-based resource, please visit if you have time! 

Science of Reading 

Effective reading instruction consists of adequate professional development and teacher freedom. Louisa C. Moats, the author of Teaching Reading Is Rocket Science, 2020: What Expert Teachers of Reading Should Know and Be Able to Do Report, is a a teacher, psychologist, researcher, and professor who has been at the forefront of science-based reading instruction for five decades created the report to interpret the recent research for teachers who are not educated on reading instruction and put the practices into action. To have access to the entire report, please visit this website: 


|Teaching Reading Is Rocket Science, Louisa Moats (2020)  |