Upcoming Events



  • March b-day celebrations - End of the month
  • Celebrate Assembly - Tuesday, March 31st
  • READING CALENDAR DUE (Not this month)





- You can see our daily announcements and athletic updates on our school website http://web1.nbed.nb.ca/sites/ASD-S/1929/Pages/default.aspx and follow us on Twitter @HarryMillerMS

- Inclement Weather Policy can be viewed here: https://secure1.nbed.nb.ca/sites/ASD-S/Pages/Inclement-Weather-Policy.aspx


When students have a storm day, there are a number of activities and things they can do throughout the course of the day: read for 30 minutes or more (can be broken up throughout the day); review subject material from classes; review Math facts (additions, subtraction, multiplication and division). There are also great websites such as Raz kids and Prodigy, where students can reinforce reading and math skills. Helping neighbours during storm days is always a great way students can show their kindness.