About Me


My name is Kassidy.

I am currently a freshman at Carson-Newman University. I am an Elementary Education major, and I would like to teach 2nd grade. I have wanted to become a teacher for as long as I can remember. I feel as though my purpose in life is to be able to teach children. I realized pretty early on just how important education is, especially elementary education.

Elementary school is where it all begins. Not only learning, but this is the time in a child's life when he or she begins to socialize with others. This is usually the time when children decide how they feel about school, so an Elementary school teacher has a big job of making sure school is enjoyable for students while also ensuring they are learning at the same time. Education is so important, so it is critical that children have a positive view of it. I can still remember the impact that some of my past teachers had on me. I remember the ones who challenged me and the ones who I knew were always there to cheer me on. There were some who taught me things about life that had nothing to do with state standards and also ones who brought my math score up six grade levels in one year. All of these teachers inspired me to give all of those things back to my future students, and that is why I am passionate about teaching. 


"Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school" - Abraham Lincoln


This is a link to a PowerPoint presentation of a project for American Government about Syrian refugee resettlement. The presentation has a brief summary of the issue, considerations when trying to solve the issue, and possible outcomes. http://file:///C:/Users/Kassidy/Downloads/Syrian%20Refugee%20Resettlement.pdf