English Language Arts

       English Language Arts


*We continue to work with our Wonders program. We have worked hard developing routines around reading to self, selecting a great fit book, reading to someone and listening to reading. The class has enjoyed being able to get books to read from the third grade library in the hall. We have been working on writing constructed reading responses to our reading and finding text evidence to support our answers. 

We have started our author study of Cynthia Rylant in class! The class will be reading The Blue Hill Meadows by Cynthia Rylant and listening to and reading many of her picture books and short stories during the author study.



                                                       WRITING  ✍️ 

We continue to write quick writing pieces in our "CWJ" which stands for our Creative Writing Journal. This increases our writing stamina as the year progresses. 

We have also been using Padlet in class to work on increasing our vocabulary and making sure we are using rich language. 

We are working on the various pieces of the Narrative Writing Rhombus in class.