Kathi Macklis - Literacy Specialist


Welcome to Literacy! My goal is to provide families with an array of wonderful resources to support and expand literacy development. I hope you find these suggestions and resources to be valuable as you watch your children grow as readers, writers, thinkers, listeners and speakers. Ultimately, I hope that all children will realize that reading brings pleasure and knowledge. Topics on this site include parent and teacher resources, book titles, and apps for children.

"...A literate person is one who, throughout life, deepens his/her knowledge and develops his/her potential through

  • Reading and writing
  • Listening and viewing
  • Speaking and presenting
  • Thinking critically, creating and innovating
A literate person deciphers meaning and expresses ideas through a range of media. 
A literate person effectively communicates his/her insight and/or knowledge.
A literate person transfers learning to new situations in his/her own life and in the life of the community and the world."
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 Literacy Resources for Teachers and Parents :

( Annotated from The Family Literacy Project )

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 Read Aloud suggestions from The Read-Aloud Handbook by Jim Trelease

 www.storylineonline.net This site features famous people reading children's books aloud




Have Fun!heart