Questions and Answers


Common Questions, and their Answers!

1)  What is the school and Mrs. Orr's contact information?
2)  Do students need to bring a note when they miss school?
3)  Do I have to buy my child a lock for their locker?
4)  When are progress reports issued?
5)  When are report cards issued?
6)  Do you give homework every night?
7)  What is Enrichment?
1)  Q What is the school and Mrs. Orr's contact information?
Elm City Middle School
215 E. Church Street
Elm City, NC 27822
Phone: 252-236-4148
Fax: 252-236-3754
2)  Q Do students need to bring a note when they miss school?
Yes, all students need to bring a note if they miss school. Even if the note is a day or two late, having a note is better than no note!
3)  Q Do I have to buy my child a lock for their locker?
No, you do not. The school provides a lock for students. Students go to their locker first thing in the morning, before going to homeroom. They also go between classes. Bookbags must be kept in lockers at all times. Rolling bookbags are not allowed because they do not fit in the lockers.
4)  Q When are progress reports issued?
Progress reports are issued every three weeks. They should be signed, by parents and returned to school the following day. For exact dates that progress reports will be going home, check my calendar.
5)  Q When are report cards issued?
Report cards are issued every 6 weeks. Report card folders need to be signed and brought back to school the next day. Check my calendar for the exact dates for this school year.
6)  Q Do you give homework every night?
There may not be 'book' homework every night, but students should have Accelerated Math every night. We work on AM during enrichment every other morning, and sometimes during class. Students take their AM home everyday, and should work on it if there is no 'book' work assigned.
7)  Q What is Enrichment?
Enrichment begins after announcements every morning and lasts until 8:40. This is also our club time. Students work on Accelerated Math or Accelerated Reader during this time. In my classroom, students work on AM on A days and on B days they bring a "B"ook for AR.