Science Fair Research Paper Rubric

Research Report : Science Fair Project

Teacher Name: Mr. Simons

Student Name:     ________________________________________



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Quality of Information Comprehensive information clearly relates to the main topic. It is clear, focused and interesting, holding readers attention. It includes several supporting details and/or examples that enrich theme. Information clearly covers the main topic. It is focused but may not be captivating. It provides 1-2 supporting details and/or examples but support is limited. Information clearly relates to the main topic but there may be major gaps in coverage. It is sometimes hard to follow. No details and/or examples are given. Information has little or nothing to do with the main topic or research has just begun.
Amount of Information All topics are addressed and all questions answered in at least 4 pages plus a MLA formatted Bibliography (in order) and parenthetical citations used throughout. All topics are addressed and most questions answered in 3 pages plus a MLA Bibliography and some parenthetical citations. Few MLA format/order corrections needed. Some topics are addressed, and most questions answered in 2 pages plus Bibliography and a few parenthetical citations. MLA format needs major corrections. One or more topics were not addressed in only 1 page. Or there is no MLA Bibliography or parenthetical citations.
Organization Information is very organized with well-constructed paragraphs and subheadings. It enhances topic and is compelling, moving reader through text. Information is organized with well-constructed paragraphs. It is easily followed, but maybe organization is too obvious. Information is organized, but paragraphs are not well constructed. It is a struggle to follow. The information appears to be disorganized. Ideas and details strung together helter-skelter.
Sources All 4 source types (Book, Reference, Periodical, Internet) are accurately documented in the MLA format in the Bibliography and parenthetical citations. All sources used for quotes and facts are credible and cited correctly. Three (3) source types (Book, Reference, Periodical, Internet) are accurately documented in the Bibliography and parenthetical citations, but a few are not in the MLA format or a few citations are missing. Sources used for quotes and facts are credible and most are cited correctly. Two (2) source types (Book, Reference, Periodical, and Internet) are accurately documented in the Bibliography and some parenthetical citations, but many are not in the MLA format. Many more citations may be needed. Most sources used for quotes and facts are credible and cited correctly. Source types are not accurately documented. Citations or Bibliography may be missing. Many sources used for quotes and facts are less than credible (suspect) and/or are not cited correctly.
Mechanics No grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. It demonstrates a good grasp of writing conventions with few or minor errors that a reader can skim over. Almost no grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. It may contain errors in conventions, but hey are not overwhelming. Some grammatical spelling, or punctuation errors. Frequent convention errors detract from paper. Many grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Errors make text is difficult to read.
Paragraph Construction All paragraphs include introductory sentence, explanations or details, and concluding sentence. Most paragraphs include introductory sentence, explanations or details, and concluding sentence. Paragraphs included related information but were typically not constructed well. Paragraphing structure was not clear and sentences were not typically related within the paragraphs. Or structure appears to be plagiarized and not the students work.
Voice & Word Choice The writer successfully uses several reasons/appeals to try to show why the reader should care or want to know more about the topic. Writer uses vivid words and phrases that linger or draw pictures in the reader's mind, and the choice and placement of the words seems accurate, natural and not forced. The writer successfully uses one or two reasons/appeals to try to show why the reader should care or want to know more about the topic. Writer uses vivid words and phrases that linger or draw pictures in the reader's mind, but occasionally the words are used inaccurately or seem overdone. The writer attempts to make the reader care about the topic, but is not really successful. Writer uses words that communicate clearly, but the writing lacks variety, punch or flair. The writer made no attempt to make the reader care about the topic, or writer uses a limited vocabulary that does not communicate strongly or capture the reader's interest. Jargon or clichés may be present and detract from the meaning. Word choice may not be the student's and may be unacceptably plagiarized.
Presentation Detailed draft is neatly typed and creatively presented. It includes parenthetical citations and Bibliography. Draft includes Bibliography and citations and is typed. Draft includes most required information and is typed. Draft is missing required information, such as citations or Bibliography, or is difficult to read or not typed.


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