Prefix Notes

Please go to the following link to view a printable PDF file of the prefixes, suffixes, and roots we will be exploring throughout the school  year.  At the beginning of each week, students will be given five (5) prefixes, suffixes, or roots to study.  Students will be tested on each word set every Friday (subject to change). Each test is cumulative, and will grow each time. When the list is completed, we will start over.


Set 1: a-cir

Set 2: com-equi

Set 3: ex-male

Set 4: mis-omni

Set 5: per-pro

Set 6: re-trans

Set 7: un-bas

Set 8: cap-dict

Set 9: duc-graph

Set 10: mit-script

Set 11: sequ-tact

Set 12: ten-vers

Set 13: able-ary

Set 14: ist-logy

Set 15: ment-y