Mrs. Miller's Class Page - Blue Devil Pride

Welcome Students & Parents!


WELCOME to our webpage. Over the next few days/weeks you will see this website updated with more information, resources, questions, and answers, etc. I feel we have the advantage of working online as education has started shifting with the incorporation of more technology. It is the student's responsibility to keep up with all assignments. It is important during this hybrid schedule for them to remain current. Please watch the due dates. There is a video on Google Classroom or you can click the link below to help you understand how to better understand how to navigate Google Classroom and what they need to be doing. There is a daily "to do" list for them. Please watch the video with your student.   The new element will be Zoom virtual classes.


Your student will receive grades this year in 6th-grade math. the 1st term grades for the 1st and 2nd nine weeks are averaged at the end of the semester. They will have a midterm which will be a percentage of their 2nd nine weeks grade. 2nd term they will have a 3 and 4th nine weeks grade and a final exam. The final exam is calculated into their 4th nine weeks grade. If state testing occurs, the percentage determined will be averaged in as well. The 2nd term grades will be averaged together for a 2nd term average. The final grade for 6th grade is determined by averaging the 1st and 2nd term final grades. Our grading scale is as follows:

93 - 100  A

85 - 92    B

75 - 84    C

70 - 74    D

69 - Below F

Please check Skyward for your student's grades. I post grades when I have them. I try to post weekly. I will tell your child when grades are posted. 


Students will be responsible for online assignments all year. Google classroom will be where assignments are located. During the hybrid schedule, students will have assignments on their off days "physical" days from school. This is not a day off. Zoom meetings are scheduled for help from noon to 1 pm. Please watch for weekly reports from Google classroom on your student. This will keep you posted on whether or not they are completing their work online. I have sent each of you an invitation to your email you entered into Skyward for communication.

If you need to send me a parent email, please send it to Google classroom sumnerk12 email is for students/teachers to communicate back and forth. Please do not send parent emails to me from your student's account on sumnerk12. Please use the link I have provided. It is on the school website as well. I will respond by the end of the next school day. 


Remind will a form of communication as well as email. I will keep Remind text to a minimum. I know you will be receiving them from all of the teachers. 


If you need anything or have any questions, please email me. Please look and accept your email for the Google classroom invitation.


(How to Navigate Google Classroom Video)