2109: Mrs. Maher's English Classroom

"What we want is to see the child in pursuit of knowledge, and not knowledge in pursuit of the child."
--George Bernard Shaw  


Welcome Back! I am so very excited to have all of you be a part of my classroom community and I can't wait to dive into some literature.  This is my second year of teaching at Plainfield High School and I have enjoyed developing relationships with the student body and the faculty.  I wholly believe that we are all working together towards a common goal: aiding and challenging students to become life-long learners and responsible, productive citizens.

Thank you for visiting my online classroom.  This site houses everything you need to be a successful english student this year. It also provides us an easy way to communicate and share information. Follow the links to find due date schedules, classroom policies and procedure, study games, homework assignments and more!  Any feedback on the effectiveness of this website is welcomed. 

I can be contacted at maherl@plainfieldschools.org

Words from the Wise… 

“Make sure you do all your homework, she does not give a lot so make sure when she does, you do it all.” 

“You will do fun stuff, you just have to earn it.” 

“You just have to pay attention and do your homework.” 

“Try your best and do all the work. Believe you can do it and it will happen.”

 “Re-read your essays and have a parent or sibling help you edit them (she catches every mistake!)”

 “Study your vocabulary until you know it, it will help on the final a lot.” 

“Ask questions on anything that you’re confused on, she’ll take the time to help you.” 

“Mrs. Maher’s class is a lot of fun, but hard work.” 

“Mrs. Maher will help you along the way.” 

“You have to give it your all in this class in order to pass.” 

“Make sure you are prepared.” 

“Don’t be embarrassed to say how you are feeling on a subject that is being discussed.” 

“You get a lot of homework so its very important you do all of it or it’ll be a big fat zero in her book.”

 “To be honest, it was actually a fun class.  A lot of homework and reading, but all in all, pretty fun.” 

“The easy way to be successful in Mrs. Maher’s class is to just make sure you do the work and you MUST read the books she gives you. NO SPARKNOTES!” 

“She is very understanding. If you do your work and behave you will succeed.”

 “Mrs. Maher is a nice teacher, so always pay attention to what she says in class.” 

“Never give up.”