Curriculum Map

7th Grade Curriculum Outline
The following table is the Perry Junior High School District Curriculum Map for 7th grade:







Unit 1

Statistics and Probability



Collection of Data
7.S.1   Identify and collect data using a variety of methods
Organization and Display of Data
7.S.2    Display data in a circle graph
7.S.3    Convert raw data into double bar graphs and double line graphs

7.M.8   Draw central angles in a given circle using a protractor (circle graphs)


Analysis of Data
7.S.4  Calculate the range for a given set of data
7.S.5   Select the appropriate measure of central tendency
7.S.6   Read and interpret data represented graphically (pictograph, bar graph, histogram, line graph, double line/bar graphs or circle graph)


Predictions from Data

7.S.7   Identify and explain misleading statistics and graphs 


7.S.8    Interpret data to provide the basis for predictions and to establish experimental probabilities
7.S.9     Determine the validity of sampling methods to predict outcomes
7.S.10   Predict the outcome of an experiment
7.S.11   Design and conduct an experiment to test predictions
7.S.12   Compare actual results to predicted results


6.S.9     List possible outcomes for compound events

6.S.10   Determine the probability of dependent events 

6.S.11   Determine the number of possible outcomes for a compound event by using the fundamental counting principle and use this to determine the probabilities of events when the outcomes have equal probability



Collect, organize, display, analyze, and predict data


Design and conduct a probability experiment to test predictions and compare actual results to predicted results


Identify misleading statistics

Construct and interpret "graphs"

Predict and design experiments













Unit 2

Number Families

Number Sense



Units 2-4




6.N.2 Define and identify the commutative and associative properties of addition and multiplication

6.N.3 Define and identify the distributive property of multiplication over addition

6.N.4 Define and identify the identity and inverse properties of addition and multiplication

6.N.5 Define and identify the zero property of multiplication

7.N.10   Determine the prime factorization of a given number and write in exponential form

7.N.8    Find the common factors and greatest common factor of two or more numbers
7.N.9    Determine multiples and least common multiple of two or more numbers
7.N.1   Distinguish between the various subsets of real numbers
(counting / natural numbers, whole numbers, integers, rational numbers, and irrational numbers)
7.N.2  Recognize the difference between rational and irrational numbers (e.g., explore different approximations of )
7.N.17   Classify irrational numbers as non-repeating/non-terminating decimals
7.N.18   Identify the two consecutive whole numbers between which the square root of a non-perfect square whole number less than 225 lies (with and without the use of a number line)
7.N.15   Recognize and state the value of the square root of a perfect square (up to 225)
7.N.16   Determine the square root of non-perfect squares using a calculator
7.N.3  Place rational and irrational numbers (approximations) on a number line and justify the placement of the numbers

Arrange rational and irrational numbers on a number line, Venn diagram, etc. and justify their placement


Differentiate between factors and multiples and apply knowledge to problem solving situations


Recognize or describe subsets of real numbers and irrational numbers (repeating/non-repeating decimals)


Calculate GCF and LCM





Unit 3



7.N.4    Develop the laws of exponents for multiplication and division
7.N.6    Translate numbers from scientific notation into standard form
7.N.14      Develop a conceptual understanding of negative and zero exponents with a base of ten and relate to fractions and decimals (e.g., 10-2 = .01 = 1/100)
7.N.5    Write numbers in scientific notation
7.N.7    Compare numbers written in scientific notation

8.N.1 Develop and apply the laws of exponents for multiplication and division

Compare and translate from standard form to scientific notation and vice versa


Explain and apply scientific notation and laws of exponents











Unit 4


7.N.12     Add, subtract, multiply, and divide integers

7.N.13   Add and subtract two integers (with and without the use of a number line)

Apply integer operations to real world situations




Unit 5




Units 5-6

7.A.3     Identify a polynomial as an algebraic expression containing one or more terms 
7.A.2     Add and subtract monomials with exponents of one
Variables and Expressions
7.A.1  Translate two-step verbal expressions into algebraic expressions
7.A.4      Solve multi-step equations by combining like terms, using the distributive property, or moving variables to one side of the equation
7.A.5     Solve one-step inequalities (positive coefficients only) (See 7.G.10)
7.G.10  Graph the solution set of an inequality (positive coefficients only) on a number line (See 7.A.5)
7.N.11  Simplify expressions using order of operations  Note: Expressions may include absolute value and/or integral exponents greater than 0.


8.N.2 Evaluate expressions with integral exponents

8.A.1 Translate verbal sentences into algebraic inequalities

8.A.2 Write verbal expressions that match given mathematical expressions

8.A.13 Solve multi-step inequalities and graph the solution set on a number line

8.A.14 Solve linear inequalities by combining like terms, using the distributive property, or moving variables to one side of the inequality (include multiplication or division of inequalities by a negative number)

8.G.19 Graph the solution set of an inequality on a number line

Simplify and solve multi-step equations, expressions, and one-step inequalities


Solve/evaluate multi-step equations/inequalities (1-step) and integers operations and expressions


Model and solve problems using proportions












Unit 6


Patterns, Relations, and Functions
7.A.7   Draw the graphic representation of a pattern from an equation or from a table of data
7.A.8   Create algebraic patterns using charts/tables, graphs, equations, and expressions

(7.A.10 Write and equation to represent a function from a table of values)


8.A.3 Describe a situation involving relationships that matches a given graph

8.A.15 Understand that numerical information can be represented in multiple ways: arithmetically, algebraically and graphically

8.A.16 Find a set of ordered pairs to satisfy a given linear numerical pattern (expressed algebraically); then plot the ordered pairs and draw the line

8.A.17 Define and use correct terminology when referring to function (domain and range)

8.A.19 Interpret multiple representations using equation, table of values and graph

8.G.13 Determine the slope of a line from a graph and explain the meaning of slope as a constant rate of change

8.G.14 Determine the y-intercept of a line from a graph and be able to explain the y-intercept

8.G.15 Graph a line using a table of values

8.G.16 Determine the equation of a line given the slope and the y-intercept

8.G.17 Graph a line from an equation in slope-intercept form (y=mx+b)

Students will recognize and represent algebraically and graphically patterns, relationships, and functions


Understand concept of function and table relationships


Construct and interpret "graphs"