Behavior and Discipline Plan

Ms. Corley’s Second Grade Rules and Consequences 

I believe myself to be a firm, but fair teacher.  I do believe that discipline is important for many reasons, but the most important reason is time management.  If I have to spend the majority of my time disciplining a class of 22 children, I lose a tremendous amount of teaching time.  This is why I start out the year particularly firm.  This way the children know within the first few weeks of school what is expected of them. What makes the discipline work well in the classroom is to have support from home.  Therefore, I make it a strong point to keep in contact with parents, so that you are always aware of what is going on in the classroom. 

I will send a behavior chart home on Friday, so you will be aware of your child’s behavior at school.  I encourage you to take time every weekend to look at your child’s conduct folder.   I have a chart that has different colors on it.  After I have given a child verbal warnings, he/she will begin changing their color. 


1.       Be respectful.

2.     Be responsible.

3.     Be caring.

4.     Be honest.


 Severe Clause

A student may be sent directly to the office if they choose to act in a severely disruptive manner.   


If a student chooses to break a rule they will receive a conduct mark.  A corresponding color card with an explanation of the broken rule with be sent home the day of the offense. Please sign and return the card acknowledging you are aware of the conduct mark.  Consequences are counted on a daily basis. The final conduct grade is the accumulated total of conduct marks subtracted from 100 points.

Green: Great Day!

Yellow: 5 minute time out

Red: 10 minute time out

Blue: 30 minute time out in another classroom

Purple: 45 minute time out in another grade level

White: Office Visit 

Conduct Grade

90-100: Excellent

80-89: Satisfactory

70-79: Needs Improvement

0-69: Unsatisfactory