Remarkable Raccoons

Welcome to Mrs. Owen's Webpage!



Richneck Elementary School

Climbing Toward Academic Advancement Together!


Important Dates: Topics of Study:                                              

Sept 2nd – Labor Day

No School

Sept 3rd

1st Day of School                   

Sept 12th & 16th – 4th Grade

Family Life

Sept ?th – Picture Day

October is Bullying

Prevention Month

As always the first week of school is very important because we are constantly going over classroom expectations and classroom routines. However, along with this students are also reviewing and learning new skills. Here are just some of the things your student will be covering:

Classroom: procedures, rules, expectations, rewards, consequences, organization

Reading/Writing: We will focus on visualization skills. Students during the first few weeks will also be taking a variety of tests to assess their decoding and comprehension abilities. In writing students will begin to learn about the writer’s workshop as well as using a story board and jot list to begin composing writing samples.

Math: Review/Introduction to place value. Students will also be taking math placement tests to determine their strengths and weaknesses.

Content: This is known as Science/Social Studies. At times teachers will alternate between these two subjects are presents the subjects simultaneously. Some topics we will focus on include using classification keys and the scientific meth. We will begin our scientific investigations unit which incorporates many math skills. We will also begin to focus on citizenship and rules which go along with learning or school and class procedures.

**Keep in mind this is just a brief overlook of the week more skills will be incorporated***