For Students


What is due will be posted each week right here:

Subject Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


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 I allow them time to organize themselves, putting their backpacks and belongings in their cubbies on the side of the room. During this time, I have an activity for all students to do: this is typically a craft or worksheet reviewing material that was assigned for homework.
​Throughout the day, we have our core curriculum classes (Math, Reading, Writing Workshop, Social Studies, Science)

8:00-8:25 Morning Routine

8:25-9:15 Reading

9:15-10:05 Specials

10:05-10:20 Snack/Gator Goals/Would You Rather

10:20-11:45 Writing 

11:45-12:30 Lunch/Recess

12:30-1:30 Math

1:30-2:15 Social Studies/Science

2:15-2:45 D.E.B

2:45-2:55 Wrap-Up


Grading Scale

N - Needs Improvement  

M - Meets

E - Exceeds

                Core Class Curriculum 

​Your child may be able to:

  • Recognizes specific features of a sentence. (For example: first words, capitalization, and ending punctuation.)
  • Recognizes spelling and sound of two letters that represent one sound. For example, th, ch, wh. (These are also known as digraphs.)
  • Learns to read regularly spelled one-syllable words.
  • Understands how an “e” at the end of a word changes a vowel within the word.
  • Breaks up longer words into syllables in order to read them.
  • Reads grade-level words that have “irregular” spellings.
  • Knows the difference between and reads fiction and non-fiction texts with purpose and an understanding of the plot and important ideas and characters.
  • Talks about and answer questions about the text he reads.
  • Reads texts aloud at an appropriate speed and with expression.
  • Compares different characters, events or texts.
  • Understands the purpose of and uses common features in a book, such as headings, tables of contents and glossaries.
  • Begins to read (grade appropriate) poetry and identifies words and phrases that relate to emotions and the senses.
​Your child may be able to:
  • Writes a variety of texts including, opinion pieces, narratives, and explanatory/informational pieces.​
  • Writes with structure including an introductory sentence, supporting or accurate details and some sense of closure.
  • Begins to use digital tools, including computers, to practice and “publish” writing. 
  • Gathers information as a class, with the aid of a teacher, to answer a question or create a shared research or writing project.
Social Studies:
Your child may be able to:
  • Learn and talk about his own family, different types of families in the present and in history, and his community.
  • Use and study maps to locate his own community as well as others.
  • Develop communication and conversation skills.
  • Create both group and individual work to represent what he has learned, using writing, illustrations and graphic organizers such as venn-diagrams and T-charts.
  • Explore the role of technology and media.
  • Gain an understanding of the importance of rules, citizenship and democracy in the classroom and in his community.
  • Learn about American holidays and important events and days.



​Your child may be able to:

  • Add and subtract numbers 1-20, solve word problems by using objects, drawings and traditional equations with the plus and minus signs.
  • Add 3 numbers that add to a number up to 20.
  • Solve addition and subtraction problems by adding up or subtracting smaller numbers, for example 10+4 = 10+2+2 and 15-6= 15-2-2-2.
  • Learn the relationship between addition and subtraction, for example 2+3=5 and 5-3=2.
  • Count out and group objects in order to solve single digit addition and subtraction problems.   
  • Count and write the numbers 1 to 120, starting from any number less than 120.
  • Understand and create numbers using 10 as a base, for example, 12 = 1 ten and 2 1’s. 
  • Compare two 2 digit numbers using the <, >, and = signs.
  • Add up to 100 using objects and the concept of 10’s.
  • Subtract or add 10 to a 2 digit number in her mind, without counting, and subtract by 10 from numbers 1-90, using concrete objects or tools.
  • Order three objects by length.
  • Begin to tell and write time using both digital and analog clocks.
  • Understand data, specifically, the total number of data points, how many are in each category and how many more or less there are in a category.
  • Understand the definition of and difference between shapes and creates shapes using this knowledge.
  • Create 2 and 3 dimensional shapes.
  • Break up circles and rectangles into two and four equal parts, and understand that the parts are halves, fourths, and quarters, and that smaller parts make up larger ones. 
​Your child may be able to:
  • Explore and experiment with the world around her and with objects provided by the teacher.
  • Learn new facts about a variety of topics including: the human body, ocean and sea life, animals, measurement, electricity and magnetism and sound and matter (the difference between solids, gases and liquids.)
  • Make observations and records what she sees and learns using graphs, pictures and words.
  • Use her 5 senses to observe and learn about objects. 

More Curriculums for First Grade!

Social Development during First Grade!
​Your child will go through many different social changes, and that is completely normal! ​
  • They may believe that they are the center of the universe, they believe that everyone sees the world as they do. ​
    • What we can work on as teachers and parents: Expose the student to many people, especially children. When kids play and develop friendships, they learn to help, share and consider other people’s feelings.
  • They may fool around in school, they yell, sing, hum, whisper, touch each other and bustle around.
    • What we can work on as teachers and parents: Keep in touch with one another to be aware of the student's classroom behavior. Enforce the same rules at home that are at school. This helps him understand appropriate behavior and become comfortable with the expectations of adults.
  • They may begin to be affected by peer pressures. They mimic their friends, they care what people think of them, and they value their friends on the same level as parents and teachers
    • What we can work on as teachers and parents: If the student has a friend who has a bad influence on him, don't wait too long to take action. Feel free to arrange playdates and friend groups with other children.
  • Their friendships can be unstable. There can be rocky patches, and friends can be enemies one day and best friends the next. This is because they are just starting to learn about social skills.
    • What we can do as parents and teachers: Talk with the student about what it means to be a good friend and how to get along well with others. Even first graders can understand these concepts and talk about them.
  • They identify with adults outside the family, such as teachers and neighbors.
    • What we can do as parents and teachers: Be there for the students as they are going through the school year, be encouraging and helpful when they need it.

​Please Visit This Website For More Information:

​​Does Your Child Have a Low Incidence Disability? Have any questions?
​Please take a look at these helpful and informative websites for development and visit my parent tips page!
Other Curriculums That Are Taught In First Grade!

  • ​ Adapted Curriculum
    • Depending on the needs of your student, I will happily work with the special education teacher and parents in order to create a curriculum that fits the needs of the student.
    • This can be for any curriculum that is being taught during the year.
  • BoardMarker
    • This is a curriculum that I will be using during the year, and it is one that all students can use!
    • For more information please click here:

Special Education: "Targets"

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)

  1. Goal 1: Develop self-awareness and self-management skills to achieve school and life success. 
  • 1A.1a. Recognize and accurately label emotions and how they are linked to behavior. 
    • Students will identify and label their emotions and feelings and how it linked to behavior, such as their own behavior.
  • 1A.1b. Demonstrate control of impulsive behavior
    • Students will learn self-control impulsive behavior strategies. 

     2. Goal 2: Use social-awareness and interpersonal skills to establish and maintain positive relationships. 

  • 2A.1a. Recognize that others may experience situations differently from oneself
    • ​Students will learn more about empathy and sympathy. 
  • 2A.1b. Use listening skills to identify the feelings and perspectives of others. 
    • To improve effective communication with other peers and staff members, students will learn more strategies to improve listening skills to identify the feelings and perspectives of others.

     3. Goal 3: Demonstrate decision-making skills and responsible behaviors in personal, school, and community contexts. 

  • 3A.1a. Explain why unprovoked acts that hurt others are wrong. 
    • In the classroom, we will have mini lessons about how and why unprovoked acts, or inappropriate acts, hurts peers and staff members are wrong and ways to decrease unprovoked acts by learning new strategies how of to effectively express how one may feel and act. 
  • 3A.1b. Identify social norms and safety considerations that guide behavior. 
    • There will be classroom rules and expectations in my class that students and I will follow. Over the school year, students and I will go over the rules in the classroom and effectively decide if we need to revise the classroom rules and add new rules.


  • Students will be given role play scenarios to enhance communication skills
  • Students will be requried to have a journal to express their feelings rationally
  • Before lunch and the end of school, students will write a one-to-two sentences of how they feel 
  • Throughout the week, I will have a mini five minute conference with each student to discuss their classroom performance and discuss how to imporve or enhance skills
  • Will have three-to-four team building activities such as compete in small group games to improve on effective communication skills


  • Students will be given weekly "tough decisions" scenarios of what they would do
  • Go over signaling devices and symbols to communicate students need help
  • Self-reflection sentences of what they are doing well, what to improve, and how will they will improve
  • Weekly classroom debates of a given scenario: bullying, responsiblitiy, truthworthiness, and citizenship




Upcoming Student Projects:

This Trimester--->

My Skeleton

Where Do I Come From?

My Favorite Thing

Small Moment Story


