Home Learning

Period 1-3 (8th Grade Language Arts)

Period 1-2: Journal Entry:  Write your reaction to chapter 9, specifically related to Boxer.  How do you feel about the events?  Why do you think that Orwell chose this fate for Boxer?   

Please answer the question in one well-developed paragraph of at least 6 sentences.  Support your response with examples from the text.

Period 3: Final draft of Book Review due Wednesday (TOMORROW), November 2.

Complete 3 sessions of Reading Plus this week (and catch up if you're behind).  You should have 29 sessions completed Sunday, November 7.

Period 4 (Creative Writing)

Complete and decorate poems.

Period 5 (6th Grade Language Arts)

Complete 3 sessions of Reading Plus this week (and catch up if you're behind).  You should have 22 Sessions by Monday, November 7.

Period 6 (Speech and Debate)