
Resources and supports available for our class:

  1. Reducing the number of tasks used to evaluate a concept or skill.
  2. Reminders to bring the student's attention back to the task.
  3. Different learning environment (library, science room).
  4. Oral answers, including those on recordings.
  5. Recess and after school teacher support
  6. Special seating options for those that move around a lot and open spaces for those that need room to move around the class.
  7. Reducing visual or sound stimuli with dimmed lights and ear covers.
  8. Proximity to the teacher.
  9. Quiet work areas
  10. Text and reading material available online
  11. Extra time to process information.
  12. Repeating the information.
  13. Options for using computers, iPads, laptops.
  14. Visual cues.
  15. Use of the arts as options for activities or assignments.
  16. More frequent breaks.
  17. Organizational charts.
  18. Non-verbal signals.
  19. Text-to-speech synthesizer software.
  20. Structured activities.
  21. Contracts.
  22. Help with note-taking (scribes).
  23. Tutoring by other students in the class.
  24. Technology can be used to write, analyze, present and communicate information.