Extra Information

Does studying have to be so hard?


Studying is not a favorite way to spend your time, but if you learn to study, it can be quicker and easier. Here are some tips are making studying easier.


1. Listen to the teacher giving the assignment. Write down what the assignment is, when it is due, and any other requirements given to you. If there is a handout, keep it in a place where you can find it easily. Don't push it in to the bottom of your backpack.

2. Use a planner to help you keep track of assignments and due dates.

3. Ask questions if you don't understand.

4. Organize yourself. Keep your binder neat. 

5.  Keep track of assignments, don't lose it before you turn it in.

6. Look at the due dates and work backwards. If you have a research report due in three weeks, maybe you will set the goal of doing the research the first week, the outline the second week, and the paper the third week. This keeps the assignments from being overwhelming.

Helpful Hints Environment

1. Study in the same place every day.

2. Make your study place a nice, relaxing place, but not where you will be distracted. Studying in front of the TV is not a good place to study.

3. Make sure you have all of the items you need, so you don't waste time finding materials.

4. Decide what you are going to work on and do it for about 30 minutes. Then take a 10 - 15 min. break and do something active. Then go back for another 30 minutes of study time.

5. Even if you don't have homework, reread your notes, reread old quizzes, etc. This will help you stay caught up for tests and make them easier to study for later.

Helpful Study Ideas


1. Study with a partner and quiz each other.

2. Use visual aids, graphs, pictures, flash cards, etc. to help you remember. Use memory tricks.

3. Visualize the ideas in your head.

6. Read the information out loud or set it to music. Hearing it will help you remember better.

Sprinkles, plain, or crumbs? Does the look of the cookie really affect the taste?


In 7th grade, we spend a lot of time talking about quality work. Think about if you had three bags of cookies. Some are frosted and sprinkled, some are plain, and some are broken into crumbs in the bag. If offered a chance to choose the cookies you would like to have the chance to win. What would you choose? You would probably pick the sprinkled cookies. When asked why, the answer usually is, "They look better." Remember they all taste the same. They may all be cookies, but the one with sprinkles just look better. It is the same way with your work. It may be the same assignment, but the person who took the extra time to do the sprinkles, can't help but give a better overall impression. It won't make the difference between an "F" and an "A", but it can help.


Here are some tips to help make your assignment "Sprinkle Worthy."


Quality Work

1. Quality work is neat!

A. It is free of smudges, scribbles, or stains.
B. It has no wrinkles or spiral edges.

2. Quality work is legible!

A. It uses a whole sheet of light paper.
B. It uses blue or black ink.
C. Typing is always great.

3. Quality work is 100% complete.

4. Quality work means best effort!

5. Quality work is...

A. Colorful
B. Detailed
C. Careful