What we are learning this year!


Language Skills

1. Recognize end punctuation marks for statements (period .), questions(question marks ?), and emotions (exclamation mark !)

2. Recognize capitalization at the beginning of sentences.

3. Use capitalization when writing names and proper nouns.

4. Spell own first and last name.

5. Attempt to spell simple words using phonetic knowledge, sounds of the alphabet, and knowledge of letter names.

6. Read high frequency words.

7. Recognize nonlinguistic representations of words (picture dictionary, room labels, and common symbols such as stop signs)

8. Use context clues to identify vocabulary when reading text.

Phonemic Awareness

* Understand that a phoneme is one distinct sound

* Use sound stretching of one syllable words to identify each phoneme

* Use sound blending of each separately spoken phoneme to make meaningful words

* Segment one-syllable words into individual sounds and blend the sounds into whole words

* Recognize and produce rhyming words (cat - bat)

* Recognize words that have the same beginning and ending sounds

* Understand words are made up of one or more syllables ( cup - cake)


* Recognize and name all upper and lowercase letters of alphabet

* Understand that the sequence of letters in a written word represents the sequence of sounds in a word

* Use letter - sound matches to decode simple words

* Understand that as letters of a word change, so do the sounds

* Make new words using common word families (b-at, c-at, s-at, p-at)

* Use the first letter of a word paired with a picture as a decoding strategy

Communication Skills

* Give simple two step directions

* Retell a story, describing the plot (beginning, middle, end of story), characters, and setting

Writing Skills

* Use graphic organizers, draw pictures to generate ideas, and use different resources to gather information.

* Use temporary/ creative spelling to spell independently as needed

* Add descriptive words and details to writing

* Creative legible documents for reading by forming legible upper and lower case letters, writing from left to write and top and bottom, and tracing and reproducing letters and words correctly


* Arrange three items or events in sequential order

* Recognize cause and effect


* Read picture books, alphabet and number books, Mother Goose rhymes and other rhyming books, story books, fairy tales, poetry, and song lyrics

* Distinguish between fiction and nonfiction

* Make predictions about text

* Derive meaning while reading by

- Asking questions to clarify meaning

- Participate in group discussions

- Predicting what will happen next

- Creating mental images

- Use illustrations to gain meaning

- Relate knowledge from personal experience

Mathematical Processes

* model addition using a number chart, number line, and/or counting objects

* Use words to describe time (day, night, morning, afternoon, yesterday, today, tomorrow)

* tell time to the hour

* Recognize a calendar as a way of measuring time

* Name and identify coins and their values

* Use words to describe temperature (hot, warm, cool, cold)

* Recognize a thermometer as a way of measuring temperature

Number and Operations

* Count objects to 25 using one -to -one correspondence and identify the quantity in the counted group

* Match quantities to 25 with numeral and written words

* Count backwards form 10 to 1

* Count to 20 by twos

* Create a set with a given number of objects

* Quickly recognize the number of objects in small set

* Recognize zero (0) as a set with “no objects”

* Compare sets of ten or fewer objects and identify which are equal to, more than, or less than

* Order the numbers through 25 using numerals and words

* Recognize and use ordinal numbers

* Understand add as “put together” or “count one” and solve additions problems with sums lees than 20

* Understand that numbers can be represented by different groupings


* Use a variety of manipulative (such as cubes, number cards, shapes) to create patterns

* Name, copy, and extend patterns

* Translate simple patterns into rules (AB, ABB, ABC, AAB, AABB)

* Sort, order and classify objects by attribute and identify objects that do not belong in a particular group

Geometry and Measurement

* Identify, name, and describe a variety of shapes (circles, squares, triangles, rectangles, hexagons, trapezoids)

* Identify, name, and describe three- dimensional shapes (sphere, cube, cone, cylinder)

* Identify positions (beside, inside, outside, top, middle, bottom, left, right)


* Observe the world using senses and simple tools to make observations

* Recognize that many things are made of parts (use puzzles to determine that there are many parts that make up a whole, Use building blocks to create whole from the parts, take apart an object and describe how the parts work together

* Categorize objects or images of objects as living or non-living according to characteristics

* Observe plants and animals and make records of their similarities and differences

* Record information about the care, feeding, and maintenance of a living thing

* Observe a plant to identify how it changes as it grows from seed to the adult plant

* Match pictures of seedlings to adult plants and juvenile to the adult animal

* Observe, discuss, and draw objects found in the day and night sky