Weekly Homework Assignments


(Homework may be subject to change) 

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 


ELA - Read 38 minutes - Reader's Response

Math - Test Review

Social Studies - Post Civil War Venn Diagram

ELA - Read 38 Minutes - Reader's Response

Math - Worksheet

Science - Study vocabulary for Test 

ELA - Read 38 minutes - Reader's Response

Field Trip to Bronx Zoo

Field Day

Homework is designed to review skills practiced during the day in an independent environment. More importantly, it helps to teach our students responsibility.

The students are expected to do their homework every night. If homework is not completed on time it will be completed during their free time.
I understand that life can throw unexpected events at us, preventing  homework from being completed. With this in mind, if there are any issues regarding your child and his/her 
assignments, please contact me as soon as possible either by email or calling the school. Thank you for all your continued support.