Important Items to Know


Regular and prompt attendance is crucial to your child’s academic success.  Our classroom activities are group oriented and involve daily interaction with other students.  Please view school as a priority for your child and see that s/he attends school daily except in cases of illness or emergency.

Kindergarten students are expected to be on their playground ready to go to their classroom no later than 7:55am. 

If your child must be absent, please contact our attendance clerk at 480-882-3520 and then press option 1 for attendance. 

Wednesday Schedule:

Wednesdays are early release days. Your child will get out of school at 1:20.  

Parent-Teacher Relationship and Communication

Your child will be given an “orange” folder in which all written school communications will be placed (if this folder happens to get lost please let me know or replace with another “orange” folder).  You will see that one side of the folder will say KEEP AT HOME (these items should be taken out each night and kept at home) and the other side will say RETURN TO SCHOOL. It is very important that it is brought to school with your child each day. Affixed to the RETURN side of the folder you will see your child’s monthly behavior chart, please review and initial NIGHTLY.  NOTE:  As the 1st quarter continues, I will begin to penalize (5 minute loss of recess) students who do not come to school prepared on a daily basis (Prepared:  Backpack, folder, signed behavior chart, etc.)

Honor Roll

Kindergarten does not participate in the grading policy to award Honor Roll and Principals Honor Roll. Instead Kindergarten students may earn an Excelling Eagles Award by meeting the following criteria:

1.        95% Attendance this quarter (no more than 2 ABS & 1 tardy/leave early)

2.      Great attitude

3.     Awesome Work Ethic  


You can set up a lunch account through the cafeteria to purchase school lunch. Or, you may send a sack lunch from home. We will also have snack time each day. Please pack your child’s snack separately from your child’s lunch. Snack should include one healthy, nutritious snack and a bottle of water for your child daily (please put names on snacks and water bottles).  Snacks will not be provided. Please help your child select a healthy nutritious snack. No chocolate, candy, or soda please; water only. 

Personal Needs/Clothing

Please make sure your child is wearing appropriate clothing for school. Please refer to the Student Handbook for guidelines. Please send an extra change of clothes (complete with undergarments) for your child that can be kept in school in case of an accident.  There is a bathroom in our classroom, so that is helpful!  Please be sure to put your child’s name on all the clothing. 


All changes to your child’s normal mode of transportation MUST be sent in writing or called into the front office no later than 1:30 pm.  If no written note is received or no call is placed to the front office, your child will be sent home by his/her usual method of transportation.  This rule is strictly enforced with your child’s safety in mind.  

Classroom Expectations/Discipline

Ellsworth Elementary School has in place a school-wide discipline plan that is detailed in the school handbook.  In conjunction with our discipline plan, we teach “Character Always”, which is an education plan based on six pillars that teaches/reinforces the behaviors of being: Trustworthy, Respectful, Responsible, Fair, Caring, and a Good Citizen. More information on Character Education can be found at A brief overview of how our discipline program is implemented in our classroom:Students displaying good overall adherence to our six character traits will receive a star sticker on our classroom chart and their monthly behavior chair will be noted with a star.  To help promote positive behavior in our classroom, when students have earned five (5) stars they will earn ONE of the following: Extended Recess (on occasion)       Lunch with Teacher                  Special Rug/ToolsHappy Gram                          Sticker, Pencil, or Trinket, etc.       Special Privilege NOTE:  Please note that the requirement to earn rewards will be implemented on a progressive basis; meaning that once the five star benchmark has been reached the next reward level will be once six stars are earned, then seven stars, etc.  This is done to help your children always reach for more and realize their potential is endless!!! First occurrence will result in a warning, classroom rule reminder, and/or reflection time. Second occurrence of bad behavior, your child’s behavior chart will be noted with the character trait infraction and student may lose a privilege. Third occurrence of bad behavior, parent or guardian will be contacted by teacher and/or student. Additionally any threatening, bullying, dangerous, aggressive or extreme behavior will result in an immediate visit to the principal's office. 

Classroom Rules:

1.  Be Trustworthy people can count on you to do the right thing.

2.  Be Respectful treating others the way you want to be treated.

3.  Be Responsible dependable and make good choices.

4.  Be Fair take turns, share, and listening when others speak.

5.  Be Caring truthful, sincere, helpful not hurtful.

6.  Be a Good Citizen obey the rules and work to make your community a better place. 

Classroom Supplies

Please send a backpack & a water bottle with your child on a daily basis.