Standard Ten


Standard 10- Commit to reflective practice and ongoing professional renewal


*Critical reflection is key for teachers wishing to establish professional learning goals, analyse personal strengths and weaknesses, and set personal and professional goals. Through identifying and assessing teaching practice, personal goals are enhanced and teaching practice is improved. Teachers have a responsibility to support and guide preservice teachers like myself, professionally registered teachers and other teaching colleagues. Supporting pre service teachers is vital so that they (preservice teachers) can one day become and commit to the role of life long learning.
*The teacher should understand how to access educational research so that contempory issues and new techniques can be nurtured, meaning professional reflection, renewal and life long learning. 
*If I reflect on lessons and units that I develop and implement, and then I will be able to renew my knowledge, ideals and practice. This will facilitate and enable me to continue my voyage as a lifelong learner.
*I believe my evidence (Certificates) in standard nine also support standard ten, therefore allowing me to reach the requirement of this standard.