What is Digital Citizenship?

What is Digital Citizenship?






Digital citizenship refers to the responsible use of technology. It is a way of thinking, being, and acting online. It is an important topic to teach students today. Digital citizenship can be good or bad. Good digital citizenship can show students how to connect with one another, empathize with each other, and create meaningful relationships using digital tools. Bad digital citizenship includes cyberbullying, irresponsible use of social media, and lack of safe use of the Internet. 












Digital citizenship is the quality of habits, actions, and consumption patterns that impact the ecology of digital content and communities. It is the ability to safely, intelligently, productevely, and responsibly participate in digital world. Digital citizens should strive to make a positive contribution to family, school, and community life through positive, creative, and deliberate use of technological tools in order to create, connect and communicate. 






Resources on the Internet:


  • Digital Citizenship and You!


  • What is Digital Citizenship?


  • Being a Good Digital Citizen



What is digital citizenship (& How do you teach it)? (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.aeseducation.com/career-readiness/what-is-digital-     citizenship 

Heick, T. (2018). The definition of digital citizenship. Retrieved from https://www.teachthought.com/the-future-of-learning/the-definition-of-digital-citzenship/ 

What is digital citizenship. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://digcitutah.com/?gclid=CjwKCAjw95D0BRBFEiwAcO1KDAslbMDaodd2D3WsrNUxkiddr_eZ487EktRZNuNtEeFxTq4VRaNiahoCBcgQAvD_BwE