Do Orbeez Guns Hurt: What You Need To Know

If you have kids, you may have heard about Orbeez guns, a toy that shoots small, colorful gel balls. While they may seem harmless, you might be wondering if Orbeez guns can actually hurt your child. In this article, we'll take a closer look at Orbeez guns and answer the question of whether or not they can cause harm.

What Are Orbeez Guns?

Orbeez guns are toys that use small, water-absorbing gel balls called Orbeez as ammunition. These guns can shoot the Orbeez up to 30 feet away and are designed for children to play with. Orbeez guns come in different shapes and sizes, but they all work in a similar way.

How Do Orbeez Guns Work?

Orbeez guns work by using a spring mechanism to shoot the Orbeez. The gun is loaded by pouring the Orbeez into a chamber, which is then sealed shut. When the trigger is pulled, the spring is released, which pushes a plunger forward and shoots the Orbeez out of the gun.

Are Orbeez Guns Safe?

While Orbeez guns are designed to be safe for children to use, there are some potential risks to consider. Here are some of the things to keep in mind when using Orbeez guns:

Choking Hazard

One of the biggest risks of Orbeez guns is the potential for choking. The Orbeez are small and can easily be swallowed, which can cause a child to choke. This risk is higher for younger children, who are more likely to put objects in their mouths.


Eye Injuries

Another potential risk of Orbeez guns is eye injuries. The Orbeez are small and can travel at high speeds, which means that they can cause serious eye injuries if they hit someone in the eye. It's important to wear eye protection when using Orbeez guns to reduce this risk.

Skin Irritation

Orbeez guns shoot small, hard balls at high speeds, which can cause skin 

irritation if they hit the skin. While the Orbeez themselves are not dangerous, they can cause pain and discomfort if they hit sensitive areas such as the face or the hands. It's important to use Orbeez guns in a safe and responsible manner to avoid causing any injuries.

How To Use Orbeez Guns Safely

Now that we've looked at the potential risks of Orbeez guns, let's discuss how to use them safely:

Age Appropriateness

Orbeez guns are not recommended for children under the age of three due to the choking hazard they pose. It's important to use your judgment when deciding if your child is old enough to use an Orbeez gun safely.

Eye Protection

As mentioned earlier, it's important to wear eye protection when using Orbeez guns to reduce the risk of eye injuries. You can use safety goggles or other protective eyewear to keep your eyes safe.

Use In A Safe Environment

When using Orbeez guns, make sure to use them in a safe environment where there is no risk of hitting other people or causing damage to property. A safe environment would be a large open space such as a backyard or a park.

Proper Use

Follow the manufacturer's instructions for loading and using the Orbeez gun. Make sure to only shoot the Orbeez at safe targets such as a wall or a target board. Do not shoot the Orbeez at people or animals.


In conclusion, Orbeez guns can be a fun toy for children to play with, but it's important to use them safely to avoid causing any injuries. Keep in mind the potential risks and follow the safety guidelines we've outlined in this article to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience, you can find some models here.


  • Are Orbeez guns recommended for young children?

Orbeez guns are not recommended for children under the age of three due to the choking hazard they pose.

  • Can Orbeez guns cause eye injuries?

Yes, Orbeez guns can cause serious eye injuries if the Orbeez hit someone in the eye. It's important to wear eye protection when using Orbeez guns.

  • What should I do if my child swallows an Orbeez?

If your child swallows an Orbeez, seek medical attention immediately.

  • Are Orbeez guns safe to use indoors?

Orbeez guns should be used in a safe environment such as a backyard or a park to avoid causing damage to property or injuring other people.

  • What should I do if my child gets hit by an Orbeez?

If your child gets hit by an Orbeez, check for any injuries and seek medical attention if necessary.


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