Western Civ: Absolutism and Enlightenment

Age of Absolutism/Enlightenment


1.  What was the Age of Absolutism?

2.  What was the Nobility?

3.  How was decentralized government different from centralized government established during the Age of Absolutism?

4.  What was the Devine Right of Kings Theory?

5.  What is Absolutism?

6.  Who was the best example of an Absolute Monarch?

7.  Discuss the three main things Louis XIV did to secure his power as an Absolute Monarch.

8.  Louis began to follow Mercantilism, what was it?

9.  How did Louis XIV’s changes affect other European monarchs?

10.  While France developed an Absolute Monarchy, England developed a Limited Monarchy.  What did this refer to?

11.  During the 15 and 1600’s, monarchs had been trying to gain more and more power at the expense of the nobility.  What did this lead to?

12.  Charles I, a Catholic King, wanted to force Scotland (Protestant) to become Catholic.  He needed money to raise and army to do it and had to ask Parliament for it.  What was the problem?

13.  What was the English Civil War, and what were the two major issues?

14.  What role did Oliver Cromwell play in the English Civil War and what was the outcome?

15.  What was life like in England during Cromwell’s rule?

16.  What happened when Cromwell died?

17.  Who was James II and how did he contribute to the Glorious Revolution?

18.  What was the outcome of the Glorious Revolution?

19.  In both France and England, the Nobility were fighting for power.  How was the outcome of this struggle in each country different?

20.  What was so important about Sir Isaac Newton and how did his ideas affect more than just science?

21.  What was the Enlightenment (Age of Reason)?

22.  Who were the Philosophes?

23.  What were the main issues the Philosophes examined and believed needed reform?

24.  Who was John Locke?

25.  What did Locke say Natural Rights are?

26.  What did Locke say the purpose of government was?

27.  Describe Locke’s Blank Slate (Carte Blanche) theory and its effect on equality.

28.  What was Locke’s view on Social Contract Theory?

29.  Who was Montesquieu, and why did he say we needed Separation of Powers in government?

30.  Who was Jean Jacque Rousseau and what were his ideas about relationship between the Social Contract theory and the concept of Consent of the Governed?

31.  Who was Voltaire and what were his thoughts on established religious organizations?

32.  Who was Adam Smith and what did he say was wrong with Mercantilism?

33.  What was Adam Smith’s main point in his book Wealth of Nations?