Azure DevOps Certification: What Is It and How Can You Get It?


So you want to become an Azure DevOps Developer? You’re in the right place! With this certification, you can expand your skills as a developer and make sure you are up to date with the latest skills needed to stay competitive in your field. Let’s take a look at what this certification entails and how you can get it.


Why start with VSTS?

What is Azure DevOps (VSTS)? Visual Studio Team Services is a collaborative set of tools designed to be used in the cloud. Because it's cloud-based, you can build from anywhere on any device. That's not all, because you're able to get started quickly with little to no configuration required, you're able to spend less time building your system and more time customising it to meet your needs. What does the certification entail?: The Microsoft Certified Professional Developer - Software Engineering certification requires passing exams covering three modules, plus demonstrating hands-on experience. 


How long does it take to become certified?: If you plan carefully and dedicate yourself, then 6 months should be enough to prepare for the exam.

Why should you get certified in it?

The Azure DevOps certification is a great way to get started with Azure. By earning this certification, you will be able to explore the features of Azure DevOps, which is a set of cloud-based collaborative development tools. With this certification, you can learn how to use this powerful tool set, which includes features like: code collaboration between teams, integrations with third-party tools, continuous integration and deployment workflows, and cross-platform support (Windows/macOS). By getting certified in Azure DevOps you'll have the opportunity to be well versed in these important topics.


This exam is offered at no cost as part of Microsoft's examination program designed for developers interested in learning about Azure Development Technologies such as Visual Studio Team Services or TFS on a Windows environment.

How can you get this certification?

What is Azure Devops?

Microsoft visual studio team services is a set of tools that help developers with various functions of collaborative cloud-based development. It provides solutions for complex agile software development such as managing changes to large codebases, app testing, package builds and publishing, continuous integration (CI), quality analysis, database migration and data warehousing, monitoring health status of builds in real time and application uptime. The result of these solutions are high-quality software releases quicker than traditional methods due to shorter testing intervals. 

How can you get it? First, complete an online test with at least 75% accuracy. Second, pass an exam with a score of 70% or higher. Third, have one year experience with Azure DevOps (or three years experience with Microsoft Visual Studio Team Services). Fourth, have taken courses that cover 80% of topics in the course list provided by Certiport on their website. Fifth, be fluent in English and write fluent English responses during the exam. Sixth, review material related to courses not covered by courses before taking exams related to those courses.

As long as individuals meet these requirements they will be granted this certification from Certiport which has been approved by MSDNAA since 2012!

Who will certify your knowledge in Azure DevOps?

What is Azure DevOps Certification? Microsoft visual studio team services, known more simply as Azure DevOps, is a set of collaborative development tools built for the cloud. The certification will help ensure that you are up to date on new features such as Agile development, Continuous Integration, Automated Testing, Application Lifecycle Management, or just mastering your code using Azure VM PowerShell. To get certified in Azure DevOps at our institution you'll need to take an exam and show a certain number of points in one of the following categories: experience requirements for VSTS-based professionals; knowledge prerequisites for VSTS-based professionals; or Knowledge competencies for developing software with VSTS.


What are some resources I can use to prepare myself before taking the certification exam?

The first step is to determine if you should take the exam in the first place. There are two considerations to take into account before taking the exam. First, it's important to ask yourself if you want a certification for your resume or if you're looking for professional development. Second, it's important to think about how much time you have available to study. 


If you're looking for professional development, then it may be worth your while to invest in your education by taking the exam so that you can start learning more about Azure DevOps. However, if you just want the certification on your resume but don't actually plan to use Azure DevOps after getting certified, then maybe it isn't worth spending all of this time on studying just to get a certificate. Second, make sure that you know what the requirements are to sit for the exam. For instance, if there is a required prerequisite course, then consider enrolling in that course before attempting to register for the certification test. 


Third, try to develop a study routine where you will learn new information every day rather than try and cram everything at once. Remember that some people need more time than others when it comes to understanding certain concepts - so don't give up! Keep trying until you finally understand what's going on! 


Finally, I recommend using some sort of flashcards app or other means of memorising terms and concepts since these will be critical in order to pass any sort of exam as they provide an easy way for someone with no memory whatsoever like myself!

Other Ways to Acquire VSTS Knowledge

There are a number of ways to learn more about Azure DevOps. Microsoft offers a certification program that teaches the basics of Azure DevOps, but it's not the only way to learn more. If you're feeling ambitious, you can also teach yourself by reading through documentation or watching videos on the Internet.


The most important thing is to start learning now because Microsoft's certifications are only available for a limited time. Why Should I Care About Azure DevOps Certification? So why should you care about this certification? Getting certified in Azure DevOps will give you an edge over other candidates. In addition, as an employer, your company will be able to offer your customers some peace of mind knowing that they have chosen a certified technician who will be capable of performing tasks properly.

Final Thought

Many companies use Azure to improve their developer productivity with continuous integration, agile project management, and robust testing. To help developers with this process, Microsoft introduced an Azure certification program in late 2017. This program is designed to be more accessible than other programs because it is offered as an open-learning credential. The certification consists of two exams, each consisting of 50 questions that cover topics such as architecture, deployment pipelines, continuous integration, containers, web apps and services. The first exam tests general knowledge about the platform while the second exam focuses on a set of technologies.