Azure DevOps Interview Questions: Get Prepared for Your Next Interview What is Azure DevOps? Everything You Need to Know


As an Azure DevOps interview candidate, it’s important to know the basics of what Azure DevOps can do and how it works, so you can confidently answer questions like what is Azure DevOps? and why should I use it? As Microsoft releases new features and services, it becomes more important than ever to understand them and be able to explain them in an interview. It also helps if you know the most common questions that may come up in an interview so you can answer confidently with preparation before your next interview with an employer or at a job fair in your field.


How do you define DevOps

The first question we are going to cover in this Azure DevOps interview questions guide is, What is Azure Devops? To answer this, it's important first of all to get a grasp on what the term actually means. 


Here's how Wikipedia defines the term DevOps: DevOps (a clipped compound of development and operations) refers to a culture, movement or practice that emphasises communication, collaboration and integration between software developers who develop applications and the operators who manage computer infrastructure. 

I don't know about you, but after reading this definition I am actually feeling more confused than when I started! So let me break it down as simply as possible.

Who needs DevOps?

DevOps is a software development process that aims to improve the collaboration between software developers and IT professionals. With rapid application development and deployment, companies can build and deploy applications much more quickly than before. This speeds up business processes and improves customer experience. From startups to established companies, there are many benefits of adopting DevOps practices. 


1) Increased revenue - With faster deployment speed, organisations can create new products, update old ones, or respond to competitors more quickly than ever before.

 2) Higher customer satisfaction - Customers love it when they get what they want faster with minimal downtime.

What does a career in DevOps look like

The purpose of DevOps engineers is to work with people, processes, and products to enable continuous delivery of value to organisations. A career in DevOps can include anything from being a developer or an administrator, to a project manager who understands the flow of work. 


DevOps Engineers may be involved with any aspect of software development life cycle such as design, development, quality assurance, security testing and deployment. The goal of their work is to reduce time between code check-in and actual release by making the process more agile while increasing speed and stability. They are responsible for supporting the deployment pipeline that consists of all stages which starts with development through release management.

How would you explain infrastructure as code to someone who doesn’t know what that is

Azure DevOps Interview Questions Infrastructure as code is one of the foundational concepts in software development. It is a way of defining what configuration, scripts and other files should be deployed on your servers so they can be provisioned automatically and create configurations that are consistent and portable. To do this, you first need infrastructure that can support the required workloads and then develop your application or service in such a way that it works equally well on any underlying infrastructure. This means designing the application so it self-configures itself using tools like Chef and Puppet, or package managers like NuGet with PowerShell scripts.

Explain CI/CD (Continuous Integration/ Continuous Delivery)

CI (Continuous Integration) and CD (Continuous Delivery) go hand in hand. With CD, once a new feature or fix is completed, the devops engineer triggers a pipeline of steps that deploys that change out automatically to a user's environment. This could be via manual deployment processes or automated code deployment processes. Here are some Azure DevOps interview questions you may encounter during your interview process as well as sample answers that demonstrate Azure DevOps experience. 


-What's continuous integration and what are its benefits? Continuous integration helps to ensure high quality software by automating the merging of all developer changes into one build.


Describe automated testing and how it helps with delivering high-quality software

Automated tests make it easier for developers to create high-quality software. This includes identifying bugs, improving productivity, and making the deployment process smoother. Microsoft has a few tutorials that are free to download, which will help you set up your tests on different platforms. The next time someone asks What is Azure Devops?, you can explain that automated testing enables continuous delivery of value in organisations by making it easier for developers to create high quality software. If a bug or conflict arises in one area, then they can see it happen elsewhere without running into other issues.

Why should companies use Azure instead of Amazon AWS cloud

Amazon AWS cloud, or Amazon Web Services, offers an extensive list of services that can help your business grow. The idea behind AWS is to provide a one-stop shop for every facet of web hosting and cloud computing. It's easy to use and well-known in the market. However, if you're looking for something more robust, reliable and scalable than what AWS offers, Microsoft Azure may be the better choice for you. With Microsoft's latest version of their cloud platform - Azure AASP - you get the same power as with Amazon's popular S3 storage service without any compromises. One other thing that sets Microsoft apart from Amazon is that they offer a number of different support programs (both free and paid) which are tailored to meet your needs.

Explain GitHub (if asked about using GitHub)

GitHub, a Git repository hosting service, was launched on 14th February 2008 by Tom Preston-Werner, Chris Wanstrath, and PJ Hyett. GitHub provides free hosting of public code repositories for open source projects but also private code repositories for any purpose as long as the user has paid a monthly subscription fee. 


Git users can use the commands in a terminal window or in most graphical user interfaces to interact with GitHub and make changes to files such as codes, texts, or the graphical environment. A lot of Azure Devops interview questions would include knowledge of how to use GitHub which enables developers and admins using Azure DevOps (a combination of these two fields) to streamline workflows and collaborate better with others within their organisation.

Final Thought

What are Azure devops? Here's what you need to know. The term DevOps was coined in 2009 and has been adopted in various forms by different organisations. What does DevOps mean? The term DevOps can be interpreted as a combination of the words development and specifies the following specialists: developers, infrastructure administrators, people specialists, process specialists, and product specialists in the field of organisational IT, each of whom have subject matter expertise in delivering continuous value.


 Given that the name of the company contains the word dev, it should come as no surprise that Azure provides a robust set of tools for creating applications on its platform. Developers use these tools not only because they are easy to use, but because they integrate with other Azure tools such as Visual Studio Code or Visual Studio Team Services.