Customer Service Skills Courses

The Customer Service Skills Course is a great way to enhance your customer service skills. In this course, you will learn how to create and deliver an engaging customer experience. This course will teach your team the skills and techniques needed to provide exceptional customer service. The course will focus on verbal and nonverbal cues. It is available in a variety of formats, and you can choose one that is best suited for your organization.

Lesson plan


A good lesson plan for customer service skills courses includes discussion and practical exercises to help students apply key concepts. For example, students can work in teams to brainstorm customer service scenarios and strategies. Then, students present their answers to the rest of the class. This exercise is also good for reinforcing key concepts in a fun way.


A good lesson plan for customer service skills courses includes a scenario wherein students act as an employer to a new employee. They must follow the principles of good customer service while giving constructive criticism. In addition, the students watch a movie scene wherein a restaurant server deals with a customer complaint. This reinforces concepts in customer service and provides some context for the students' own experiences. Lastly, the lesson ends with a written report about a customer complaint at a luxury hotel.


Another good idea for a customer service team is to include non-customer service team members as a role player. Not only will this increase their knowledge and skills, but it will also strengthen team cohesion. A role play can help the team better identify what the customer wants and is willing to do. If the role play is tailored to the product, it can also identify problems with the brand's message. Using online tools for the role play can also be helpful.


One of the most important skills for customer service representatives is to remember customers' names. Otherwise, they can appear unprofessional and inept. A good lesson plan for customer service skills courses will include exercises that focus on listening skills, bridging communication gaps, and putting the customer at ease.



Exercises in customer service skills courses should aim to make customer service agents feel more comfortable in a group setting and help them improve their customer service skills. They should include activities such as icebreakers, which require team members to make their way through a game in which they have to tell two truths and a lie, and their teammates must guess which one is the truth. This helps them better understand bias in their interactions.


Exercises in customer service skills courses should also teach team members to listen better to customers. Representatives should practice the art of reflective listening, which is a skill that requires them to repeat the customer's words in their own words. This can help them understand what the customer is saying, clarify the situation, and prevent misunderstandings. These exercises are best practiced in pairs. They should be provided with prompts that will help them imagine realistic scenarios and use reflective listening to resolve a customer's issue.


One exercise that will help agents become better listeners is the whisper game. Each member of the team is given a message by the instructor and must whisper it to the next member of the team. If the last member gets the message, the exercise is successful. This exercise is an excellent way to improve teamwork and develop empathy.


Dumb charades are also common exercises for customer service training. Players are given a name, product, or viral video to act out. Then the other members guess what they're supposed to say.



Micro-videos are a great way to refresh your knowledge in the moment. These short, brief videos can be helpful for solving specific issues, educating about new technologies, or just providing a visual representation of a concept. Like YouTube, they can quickly become your go-to resource for learning in the moment.


Micro-videos should be aimed at a specific learning outcome. They should be short, snappy, and easy to digest. Using audio and visuals to support the content will increase retention rates. Using first-person video clips or voice overs is an easy way to record micro-videos. You should also make sure to eliminate any distractions and direct learners to additional resources.


Micro-videos are also a good way to train new employees. For example, you can teach new employees the basics of workplace harassment. This includes anti-harassment, bullying, and other forms of harassment. These lessons are easily digestible and can help them file a complaint if necessary. Another advantage of micro-videos is that they can cover a variety of topics. Whether you're looking for employee training or customer service skills courses, micro-videos are a great way to get your team up to speed.


When creating training videos for your customers, it's a good idea to plan your visuals and dialogue. You should also use three resources to make your videos smooth and efficient. If possible, include a co-worker in the creation of the videos. Their input can flag any confusing parts and help you with the filming process.


Micro-videos are a great way to engage your learners and improve their retention rates. In addition to being informative, these videos also promote teamwork and create a more collaborative environment. These videos are also useful in the case of customer complaints. These videos also teach your employees how to resolve conflict and provide a quality service.



A customer service manual is an important tool for improving the customer service skills of employees. It provides clear direction to employees and helps them address customer needs. It also emphasizes soft skills, such as active listening, communication, flexibility, problem-solving, and empathy. In addition, customer service manuals can help an employee become a more effective team member.


Customer service training manuals should be tailored to the mission of an organization. This will help employees develop consistent customer service skills and build long-term relationships with customers. The manual should contain tips for handling various customer situations, such as phone conversations and email interactions. It should also include advice on dealing with upset customers. These situations can be difficult to handle, but a customer service manual will make it easier for employees.


A manual should contain text, pictures, and buttons. If necessary, use colour to emphasise important points. However, avoid overuse of colour, as this will decrease interest and learning. Using section dividers is a good way to make the manual more readable. The dividers should extend beyond the width of the pages to make it easy to find specific sections. You can also add tabs for each section of the manual to make it easier to find the information you are looking for. A detailed index is also a good idea.


Manuals can also help employees improve their efficiency. By providing them with specific information about their tasks, employees will be more likely to stick with the company. This will also prevent them from feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. Furthermore, having a manual available will reduce the workload of managers and employees. They can spend more time on other projects.

Online courses


Online customer service skills courses teach you how to interact with customers. This training includes understanding how to communicate with customers, responding to complaints, and avoiding escalation issues. You'll also learn how to build rapport and improve your listening skills, which are vital to maintaining good relationships with customers. In addition, you'll learn how to handle company policies and the equality law, and how to handle conflict.


Customer service is the foundation of a successful business, and improving it can increase revenues and a loyal customer base. In addition, a high-performing customer service representative may even advance their career, paving the way to management positions. Online customer service skills courses are available to help you achieve these goals and build your confidence in customer service.


Online courses can also be a great way to train new employees in the skills necessary to serve customers. Some courses come with certifications or exams, which verify that you have learned the basics of customer service. Some courses are free, while others cost money. There are also a number of e-learning platforms that charge a fee.


The EdApp Guest Service in Hospitality and Tourism course is a great example of an online course that can teach you how to deal with complaints and keep customers satisfied. While every business will receive the occasional complaint, it's essential to learn how to handle them well. The course covers four important aspects of customer service, including how to greet customers, how to handle complaints, and how to improve customer satisfaction.


The Canadian Council for Professional Certification offers online customer service certification programs. These programs provide a professional certification and give participants the right to call themselves Customer Service Specialists. These courses are taught by experienced facilitators who make the course fun and engaging.