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Never drag the baby away during breastfeeding and keep switching sides each time you feed.

2. Feed the baby several times during the day. The milk contains essential nutrients and vitamins that nourish and keep nipples hydrated, reduce friction and check cracking.

3. Apply ice cubes on affected area before giving a breastfeed to the baby. This eases pain and discomfort.4. Wear bra to guard the nipples from the hit of cold air.

5. After child birth, a liquid called colostrums concrete placing boom oozes from the nipples. It lubricates nipples naturally. Use of soaps may remove the lubricant and cause drying and cracking. Therefore do not use soap on nipples. You can use plain water to clean them.

Never drag the baby away during breastfeeding and keep switching sides each time you feed.2. Feed the baby several times during the day. The milk contains essential nutrients and vitamins that nourish and keep nipples hydrated, reduce friction and check cracking.

3. Apply ice cubes on affected area before giving a breastfeed to the baby. This eases pain and discomfort.4. Wear bra to guard the nipples from the hit of cold air.5. After child birth, a liquid called colostrums oozes from the nipples. It lubricates nipples naturally. Use of soaps may remove the lubricant and cause drying and cracking. Therefore do not use soap on nipples. You can use plain water to clean them.
