
Earth Science 8th Grade 

   Mr. Ray     

                   Welcome to eighth grade science!  I am looking forward to a productive school term.  I am confident that by working together, this will be a fantastic year!   The Florida State Univeristy Schools science department will be utilizing the Earth Science textbooks developed by Glencoe.  Earth Science is a program specifically designed around the National Science Education Standards as well as the Florida Sunshine State Standards.  It gives you the opportunity to construct your own understanding of science concepts through a wide variety of methods.   This investigative approach engages you, taps into your natural curiosity and creativity, and develops your hidden interests.  The Earth Science curriculum lets you become a critical thinker, problem solver, and be more responsible for your own learning.  The titles of the units are as follows: Earth Science, Composition of Earth, Surface Processes on Earth, The Atmosphere and the Oceans, The Dynamic Earth, Geologic Time, Resources and the Environment and Beyond Earth. CLASS PARTICIPATION/BEHAVIOR- You are to be on time to class, bring all required materials (pen, pencil, paper, and notebook w/ dividers), and be prepared to work.  You are expected to use your class time to achieve the day's objectives and exhibit responsible behavior.  All eighth grade rules will be followed in my classroom.  NOTEBOOK- A science section will be kept by all students in your binders.  This section will be divided into 4 parts.  The first part will be homework and class assignments.  The second part is dedicated to graded tests.  The third part is for labs.  The fourth will be a hole punched Ziploc bag that will contain all foldables constructed. Students will place completed, graded or incomplete assignments in the appropriate sections.   Inside one of the side pouches will contain a composition book for notes taken during class lectures.  Mr. Ray will collect this binder approximately three times for each grading period.   Materials are to be saved for the entire nine week grading period.  Doing this will help you keep track of your grade as well serve as a reference for any recording error by the teacher.  This is worth 10% of your grade.   TEXTBOOK- You will be issued a textbook. This book is to be taken home and used for completing homework and studying for tests.  There will be a class set of text books for students to use during school hours.  A lost or destroyed book will be the responsibility of the student.   HOMEWORK- Written homework is assigned often, and reviewing or studying on a regular basis is highly recommended.  You are responsible to improve the quality of your notebook at home.  Some projects and assignments, including incomplete class work, will need to be done at home.  Assignments turned in after the due date will lose 50% of its grade everyday. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get missed assignments. GRADE PLAN- Grades will be determined based on the following Categories:  Test/Quizzes 30%(this includes, but is not limited to, a semester exam at the end of each semester), Labs/performance assessment 30% , Class work/homework  30%(this category includes, but is not limited to, daily work, homework, notebook checks, notes,  and class participation), Binder checks 10%.  Each assignment will be assigned a point value.  Individual percent grades can be determined by dividing the number of points earned by the possible number of points.  The grading scale is as follows:

A - 100-90%                             B - 89-80%                   C - 79-70%                               D - 69-60%                               F - 59-0%  

All assignments are required to be turned in on time.  Students with excused absences will be allowed a specific amount of time to make up any missed work.  Students are strongly encouraged to get work ahead of time if they know they will be absent.  The student is responsible for turning in all work on time.  Missing the day before a quiz or test does not excuse the student.  Occasionally extra credit assignments will be given in which everyone will have the opportunity to complete.   Please don't hesitate to ask questions or ask for help. My grade program allows me to e-mail grades to you or your parents if e-mail addresses are provided.  You will also be able to access your grades via the internet.  This process will be explained at a later date.  COURSE DESCRIPTION – GRADE 8  Subject Area: Science         Course Title: Earth Science  Class Outline- (Please be aware that this is an approximation and will change.) 

  Grade 8 Earth Science  

Semester 1First nine weeksSemester 2Third nine weeks
Ch Ch 11
Ch 2 Ch 13
Ch 3 Ch 14
Ch 4 Ch 15
 Ch 16
Second nine weeks Fourth nine weeks
Ch 6 Ch 17
Ch 7 Ch 20
Ch 8 Ch 22
Ch 10 Ch 23


Supplies needed (in addition to the school supply list)

            Graph paper, writing paper, pen, pencil, ruler, eraser, etc.           


 For this to be successful, the students, teacher, and parents will have to work together.


             1.   Be in your seat with materials when the bell rings.   2.   Complete all assignments on time.      3.   Ask for make-up work the day you return to school.   4.      Ask for assistance when needed.   5.      Study at home daily   6.      Read 30 minutes daily (material is your choice)  7.      Follow the class rules.  8.      Work towards meeting your academic and behavioral goals.  

TEACHER:            1.   Evaluate each student’s skills and progress.  2.      Provide instruction.  3.      Provide individual assistance as needed including before or after school.  4.      Communicate with students, other teachers, and parents.  5.      Provide grade updates via email or by the student at week 4 & 7 of each nine week grading period.    6.      Provide a safe environment and positive work environment. 

PARENTS:              1.   Setup a specific time each day when your child will study.  Even if they do not have a specific homework assignment, they should study daily.  2.      Review your child’s work and help him/her to keep organized notebooks.  All of the papers should be in some sort of order.  3.      Be aware of when your child will be taking tests or has projects due.  Ask to see the results.  4.      Be aware of when grade updates and report cards are scheduled to go home.  Ask or call the school if they are not given to you.  5.      Communicate with your child and the teacher.6.      Be sure your child reads at least 30 minutes a day.                             


                                                                        Student name: _____________________    Parent(s) name: _______________________ 

Date of Birth:  __________                                          Age:  __________________


Address:  _________________________________               Zip:  _________


Home phone number:  __________________         Parent(s) work number: ___________


Parent(s) cell or other contact number:  ______________________


Student E-mail:  ________________________________________      


Parent(s) E-mail:  _______________________________________

      I have read and agree to follow the rules and regulations for Mr. Ray’s class. 

Student signature:  ________________________       

 Parent(s) signature:  _______________________