Parent Information

Upcoming Parent Workshops

January 11th, 2011 / 5:30pm - Comprehension & Fluency (Grades 3-5)

*Dinner will be served.

April 26th, 2011 / 12pm - How to Help Your Child Prepare for EOG (Grades 3-5)

*Lunch will be served.

Tips for Reading at Home

*Encourage your child to think about "what would make sense, sound right, and look right" at the point of difficulty.

*Encourage your child to read familiar books without their finger to help build fluency.

*Encourage your child to pay attention to punctuation and think about how their voice will change for each punctuation mark (ex: sound excited for an exclamation mark, pause at comma, make it sound like a question is being asked, etc)

*Have your child tell you about the book they have read in as much detail as possible, from beginning to end.

*Before your child reads a book, have them preview it by looking through the pictures and describing what is happening (who, what, where, when, why).