Expectations & Behavior Management

Student Expectations:

*Listen and follow directions.

*Take turns 

*Work independently

*Work in small groups

*Respectful of others

*Self-control of voice, hands, and feet

*Follow school rules: *We are Respectful, We are Responsible, We are Learners

*Arrive on time and attend school regularly

*Ask my teacher when I don't understand

*Complete all of my assignments on time, study, and read daily

*Put forth my best effort!


We use a clip chart to manage behavior in our classroom. Our clip chart is as follows: 

Walking on Sunshine (purple)

On Cloud Nine (dark blue)

On Top of the World (light blue)

All Ears- Ready to Learn (green)

Head in the Clouds (yellow)

On Thin Ice (orange)

In Hot Water (red)

Students who stand out by making really positive choices will have the opportunity to move up the clip chart. Students who move up the clip chart, past purple, will be "off the chart!" I will wear their clip on my shirt! When a student gets their clip 'off the chart', it moves to the hall of fame and they get a new clip. Students who stay on green or above all week will earn a behavior coupon for classroom rewards. These coupons are good for things like wear a hat for the day (in the classroom), bring a stuffed animal, seat at the teacher's desk, bring your favorite book to read to the class, no shoes for the day (in the classroom), etc. These coupons will make learning even more fun and can be earned with good behavior! cool

Students who make negative choices will move down the clip chart. The first negative choice will be handled with a verbal warning, reminding the student to follow school and class rules. After a verbal warning is given, students will move to yellow and walk 5 laps at recess, to have time to think about their negative choices. Students who continue to make negative choices will move to orange and the consequence will be chosen by me, based on the students' behavior. Red is reserved for extremley negative choices and will result in a parent phone call. I strongly believe that our classroom behavior will be superb this year! Students know what is expected and a verbal warning seems to get them back on the right track! 

Your child has a behavior calendar in their homework folder. Please look at it every night, as the students color in their color for the day. Please discuss your child's behavior with them and initial the box that correlates with the date. Thank you so much!