History 8-2, Assignment Eleven, Reconstruction


Assignment eleven

Deadline, May 23, or TBA, 80 points

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How did the nation change after the Civil War?
What rights were, and were not, extended to formerly enslaved people after the Civil War?


A cartoon mocking Andrew Johnson's Reconstruction attempts




The answers to many of Reconstruction’s questions hinged upon the concepts of citizenship and equality. The era witnessed perhaps the most open and widespread discussions of citizenship since the nation’s founding. It was a moment of revolutionary possibility. African Americans and Radical Republicans pushed the nation to finally realize the Declaration of Independence’s promises that “all men were created equal” and had “certain, unalienable rights.” But conservative white Democrats granted African Americans legal freedom but little more. White Southerners argued that citizenship was something less than equality. As time passed, southern resistance mounted, and Reconstruction collapsed, their vision triumphed. In the South they imposed limits on human freedom that would stand for nearly a century more.


For this assignment you and your group will analyze what Reconstruction did, and did not achieve.

You will following the instructions in the printed copy of this assignment AND those on the first slide of the Power Point presentation.

The document write up and the cartoon evaluations are submitted together.



Students will identify and explain the causes and effects of various aspects of Reconstruction in the United States.


Special instructions

  • Use the instructions provided to your table group in class.






Printed files

To view a printed copy of the packet of documents for this assignment, click here.

Media files

To view the PDF file about the assassination of Lincoln, click here.

To view the PowerPoint file about the Thomas Nast cartoons, click here.

Online files