History 8-2, Assignment Eleven, The End of the Civil War and Reconstruction




Assignment Eleven
The End of the Civil War and Reconstruction

Deadline, 5/22, 120 points, extra credit if submitted early

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How did America deal with the end of the Civil War and the rebuilding required afterwards?


Political Cartoon from 1865, Lady Liberty gesturing to a wounded black man



With the end of the Civil War, America faced some very difficult times. The man who led the nation during the war, Abraham Lincoln, was dead. Bitter feelings in Congress toward the South raged. How should the nation move forward?


Students will identify and describe key vocabulary terms related to the end of the Civil War and identify the reasons for, and consequences of, the Reconstruction Amendments.

Essential questions

What factors affected America at the end of the Civil War?

Why were the Reconstruction Amendments created.

Special instructions

Complete the following on a separate sheet of paper. Title it with your name and class period.

Create a simple, original, and contextual definition of the following vocabulary items. 
Remember, a contextual definition explains the circumstances that form the setting for an event or idea in ways it can be fully understood.

Soft Reconstruction
Ten Percent Plan
Moderate Republicans
Radical Republicans
Wade - Davis Bill
Freedmen’s Bureau
Reconstruction Acts
Martial Law
Black Codes
Citizenship Clause
Due Process Clause
Equal Protection Clause
Poll Tax
Literacy Test
Grandfather Clause 

Short Essay
For this part of the assignment you will create an answer of a paragraph or so to each of the following:
Explain the intent and consequences of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments.



Answers are complete and contextual.

Sentence structure is clear and easy to follow.

Grammatical and punctuation errors are very few or non-existent.
120 points possible


Answers are complete. Context is not clearly established.

Sentence structure is clear and easy to follow.

Grammatical and punctuation errors are very few or non-existent.
100 points possible


Answers are not complete. Context is not clearly established.

Sentence structure is somewhat clear.

Grammatical and punctuation errors are somewhat common.
90 points possible


Answers are not complete. Context is not addressed in any substantive way.

Sentence structure is poor.

Grammatical and punctuation errors are common.
70 points possible



Printed files

The printed assignment will not be posted. You can copy the vocabulary and assignment questions to a Google doc or a separate sheet of paper.

Media files


Online files

Click here to access the PowerPoint file we used in class on 5/17.

Click here for a very brief discussion of Reconstruction, but some great links.

Sound files