JA Social Studies


Top Performers
Top Performers
Top Performers
Top Performers
Jayla Johnson,Brianna Thomas
 Brianna Thomas, Marquise Williams
 Marquise Young, Aaliyah Blakley
 * Depends on Do-Nows from 8/31-9/4
 Martez Edwards, Tyjuane Horton
 * Depends on Do-Nows from 8/31-9/4
 Tavia Reed, Taihler Walker
 Taihler Walker

 ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS: I don't have colored and labeled US maps from all of you.  This is worth 23 points - more than a weekly quiz. Get another blank from me if you need to and turn in your map as soon as possible.  You will receive a late penalty of course, but be aware that if you earn a zero on the map, you are in real danger of failing this class.   It is vital that you do the work.

Is your class earning a game day first quarter?  It's easy - show respect for your teacher, your classmates, and yourself and do your work in class! If everybody in your class does this, you will enjoy a game day to be held between October 19-30.  On game day, Monopoly, Chess, Dominoes, Cards, Mad Gab will all be available for an entire class period.