Masturbation during menstruation

Masturbation during menstruation

Can you masturbate during your period? Of course, and not just a little! Even if for some people, the period of the rules is not always conducive to this solitary pleasure, masturbation has its place during this phase of the cycle, and I explain to you here why.
Why masturbate during your period? What are the benefits?
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So there, I have good news for you: it's official, masturbation would calm menstrual pain and other joys related to this period not always pleasant to live!
Womanizer and the Lunacopine menstrual cup brand have teamed up to conduct a study with the aim of providing scientific proof of the benefits of masturbation during menstruation. This first global study was carried out under the responsibility of Dr. Christopher Ryan Jones, Clinical Psychologist and sex toys for women in india and was conducted for 5 months on 486 participants. Suffice to say that this study is serious. And here are the three pieces of information that make me happy: 
1 – masturbation helps to calm period- related pain (stomach, breasts, back, etc.) and reduces diarrhea caused by contractions
2 – masturbation helps reduce the frequency of menstrual pain
3 – masturbation helps regulate mood during the pre-menstrual phase
But how is this possible? Well quite simply because during masturbation and orgasm, the body produces and releases 3 hormones that do us a lot of good: 
endorphin , which acts as a painkiller and leads to a feeling of well-being and relaxation
oxytocin , which has a beneficial effect on stress and anxiety, as well as aggression
dopamine , the hormone of pleasure and motivation
And this explosive cocktail obviously has an effect on our pain and our mood!
If you want to read the full study, it's here ! 
How to masturbate during your period?
Ok, that's all well and good, but how do you have fun during your period without getting it all over the place? If you're worried about staining your sheets, do it in your bath or shower! In addition, the hot water will calm your potential pain: best combo! You can, using a waterproof sex toys for women, the shower head or simply your fingers, do you good in your bath. You will come out clean and relaxed, what more could you ask for? 
For those who are not a big fan of aquatic onanism, you can also do this very well on your bed or any other place, by simply laying on a thick towel. 
If you only stimulate the outer part of your clitoris, you can also keep your inner protection, whether it's a tampon or a cup. Neither seen nor known🙂
NB: Of course, there is no obligation to touch during your period. For many, this is a time when energy and libido aren't great, and that's ok. The herbal tea, hot water bottle and bedtime combo also works😉