Alg 2 Supply List

Supply List for Mrs. Grantham’s Algebra 2 Honors Class: 

Bring Algebra 2 supplies to class on the first day of school: 


  1. 1-inch 3-ring binder with pockets 

  1. Lined notebook paper (store in binder, keep extra at home) 

  1. Graph paper (store in binder, keep extra at home) 

  1. TI-84 plus or TI-84 plus CE Graphing Calculator (The CE is a few dollars more but is rechargeable, has better graphics display, and is noticeably faster. If students are planning to go beyond Algebra 2 they will be thankful for the CE.) 

  1. #2 pencils and erasers (pen is only to be used for making corrections) 

  1. Colored pens (for making corrections & notes on homework) 

  1. Choose TWO items to donate to the classroom supply: 

  • lined notebook paper 

  • graph paper 

  • pencils 

  • tissues or  

  • sanitizing wipes