Ms. Spain's Classroom Website

Welcome to Classroom #42 Ms. Spain’s Grade

1. Homework. On Friday's, there will be a homework packet sent home.  It is due the next Friday

first thing in the morning. 

2. Upcoming School Events:  Thursday, September 15 – meet at Skateland and bring money to

skate and / or do the games from 6-8 pm

3. Days Off:Wednesday, September 14 – ½ day of school – out at noon

4. Late Assignments.  If assignments are turned in late, they will be 2 grades lower.

5. Parent Teacher Conferences: Thursday, September 22 from 5-8 pm OR

Friday, September 23 from 8:30 – 11:30 am


Our Reading Stories (from the beginning of the year to now)

Because of Winn Dixie - August

Lewis and Clark and Me - Sept 2

On the Banks of Plum Creek - Sept 6

The Horned Toad Prince - Sept 12