My Classroom Website


  Mrs. Rohan

Academic Lab - Grade 6


 Welcome Back!

How to Use this Website:

This website was designed for students and parents to easily access information helpful to academic lab. Click on the links within the menu above to discover helpful information. A great place to start is the, "About Me" link. This link will allow you to get to know Mrs. Rohan!

The "Homework" link will include homework assignments given on Team 6B by Miss Gasson (ELA), Ms. Kraft (Math), Mr. Connolly (Science), and Mr. Philips (Social Studies). This link will also include homework for Team 6D given by Ms. Miller (Science/ELA) and Ms. Stuka (Social Studies/Math). Additionally, homework will be listed for Ms. McCann (P.O. ELA/P.O. Math).

The "Long-term Assignments" link will notify students and parents about longer assignments and projects given out by all teachers on Team 6B and 6D. This link may also provide helpful information about pacing projects and resources needed. 

The "Helpful Resources" link will provide students and parents with useful tools in the areas of study skills and organization. It may also include graphic organizers and study guides particular to each subject.

Lastly, the Team 6B and 6D link will include news especially for 6B and 6D! This link will also allow you to connect to the websites that have been created by 6B and 6D teachers.