Science Now

Change is the end result of all true learning. - Leo Buscaglia

Science Now Curriculum

Password : ScienceNow2

This course is a project based course.The students will research current events in science.They will create posters, news articles, science magazines, presentations etc. This is the first year teaching this course so I will be creating as I go. The beginning week, the students are finding a current events article of interest to them then presenting the summarized article to the class.  The pedagogy is called G.I.S.T.

Get the G.I.S.T

Oral Presentations

Students will speak publicly once during this course. They will research a science topic of interest, and deliver an oral presentation to the class. They will be graded according to the BHS oral communication rubric.

Science Now

Semester Course 03489 – 0.5 Credit – Grades 9-12

Instructor Information



Department Night

Susan Seery

C111 Monday & Wednesday

General Information


The topics of Science Now will include exciting science current events. Students will research science topics that will pique the teen interests and create a connection to science as it is relevant to them. This course includes science current events reading, skills worksheets, hands on lab activities and projects.                                                

Expectations and Goals

   Grading Procedures: Grades

1. Class works, packets, labs and participation 40%

2. Tests and quizzes 60%

3. Late work will not be accepted. In the event of an absence, during a lab day, the lab must be made up after school within 3 school days of return.

  Academic Integrity

All students are expected to show respect, resilience, self-responsibility and to use positive communication skills.

 I follow the academic and behavioral expectations set forth in the student handbook.

  Accommodations for students with disabilities

 I follow all IEP and 504 plans as required.Materials Required Text

Password: ScienceNow2

"In teaching others we teach ourselves"  - Proverb

This course is a project based course.

Have Fun!
The Team at Educator Pages