OWL Binders

What is in our OWL Binders?

One of the required school supplies this year is a binder. This will become a source of communication between students, parents and teachers. Each student will create their binder during the first day of school and will be expected to bring it to school daily.


  • Folder:

1.  One side will contain nightly homework. It is to be completed and returned to that side of      the folder.

2. The other side is for papers to be returned. Please have your child empty this side nightly.


  • Tests:

At the front of this section there will be a form for you to sign to show that you have seen your child's weekly tests. Please sign and return this form to me. You are free to keep all tests unless they are stamped "LEAVE IN BINDER". 

  • Forms and Notices:

This area contains forms that need to be signed and completed by you. This includes field trip permission slips, progress reports, etc. 

  • Behavior Log:
A chart letting you know where your child received any card changes during the day. Please leave in the binder until the end of the month until they are removed by your child's teacher. 
  • Reading Log: 
This area will contain a weekly reading log. Each night (Monday - Friday) your child is expected to read for 30 minutes. They must be written in complete sentences. I do not expect them to be long but I expect them to be neatly written and give me enough information to show understanding of what they read.


 An example of an acceptable log: 

I really liked when Mrs. Granger gave Nick the dictionary assignment. I thought that he was going to get away without having any homework but she was able to get it in at the last minute. I think that he is going to try and stall class again tomorrow. 

An example of an unacceptable log:

This book is so funny. Nick is a kid at school. He has homework.