Java Developer Kit

Features of the Latest Version of Java Developer Kit


It has been more than three months since the release of the latest Java development kit. It is about time that developers learned how the JDK 17 differs from its antecedents.

Java Development Kit 17 Features

  • Language feature (JEP 409: Sealed classes)

JEP (JDK Enhancement Proposal) 409 revolves around the sealed classes functionality in Java. It was OpenJDK Project Amber who developed the JEP 409.

Suppose you have created a class in Java. Sealed classes help developers decide the classes or interfaces that can access the class that they designed in the first place. Therefore, you can rest easy that no class or interface can access a particular class unless you have allowed it.

  • Core Libraries

OpenJDK Project Amber has introduced numerous changes in the core libraries in the latest Java development kit, JDK 17. As per Oracle, these changes will provide you with a better experience as a developer. Here are those improvements:

a) JEP 306: Restore Always-Strict Floating-Point Semantics

In the beginning, Java had strict floating-point semantics only. However, these floating-point semantics were not "strict" in the real sense. Why? Some drawbacks in the earlier hardware compelled Java to allow some variances in the strict floating-point semantics.


Since such variances do not serve a purpose anymore, they don't exist in JEP 306.

b) JEP 356: Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generator

JEP 356 introduces new interfaces and implementations concerned with pseudo-random number generators or PRNGs. Some new elements are as follows:


i) jumpable PRNGs,

ii) an added class containing splitable PRNG algorithms (LXM),

iii) a new RandomGeneratorFactory class.


By updating java.util.random, Oracle has helped improve the interoperability of various PRNGs. It also allows you to request an algorithm as per your requirements; you do not have to waste time and make unnecessary efforts by coding for a given condition.

c) JEP 382: New macOS Rendering Pipeline

Before the Java development kit 17, JDK had to rely on Apple OpenGL API extensively. However, with the latest updates, things have changed for the better. The update employs a Java-2D rendering pipeline for macOS with the help of the Apple Metal API.

Now, you know why Oracle wants you to complete the Java development kit download.

  • Previews and Incubators

a) JEP 406: Pattern Matching for switch (Preview)

JEP 406 helps developers test an expression in multiple conditions/ patterns. Each test can have a particular action that the developers deem necessary. It enables them to address complex data-oriented queries efficiently and without the risk of errors.

b) JEP 412: Foreign Function and Memory API (Incubator)

The OpenJDK Project Panama has been developing these APIs. The project works to better the interaction between Java and non-Java (foreign) code.


JDK 14 and 15 brought forth incubating APIs, aiming at improving the interaction between Java programs and foreign code and data. JEP 412 is an improvement to those APIs.

c) JEP 414: Vector API (Second Incubator)

JEP 414 helps developers with vector computations. Vector computations prove beneficial in various fields, such as machine learning, cryptography, etc.

It is easy to grasp these upgrades with practice. But, practicing requires access to relevant opportunities. Eiliana has you covered with multiple prospects for experienced freelance developers.


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