It might be more than age-related because of factors such as the genetics of predisposition and environmental factors, diet and the duration of the exposure to ultraviolet. So what can you do to lessen wrinkles believed to be excessive?


The initial requirement for improved quality and well-groomed complexion is to care for the skin in the needed way. It is essential to maintain expert Skin Care professionals regularly and apply household products consistently following the requirements.


Mechanisms for all skin resurfacing methods The principle is creating skin damage and activating your body's self-repairing mechanism to protect against the damage.

There are either 25 or 64 needles of gold at the point of Micro Needle FRACTIONAL RADIOFREQUENCY (GOLDEN Needle). It emits radiofrequency energy when it has touched the skin at the tip of the needle and along the needle's lines. After a certain amount of depth and energy adjustments depending on the thickness of the skin and the issue it is treated, the entire skin or affected area is treated. Since the face is treated entirely with the treatment, there is damage at about 15,000 points. Additionally, the skin is stimulated by Radiofrequency. In these 15000 points, it triggers the cell regeneration process known as Fibroblast activation.

The causes of wrinkles are decreased collagen and elastin cell numbers with the ageing process and environmental influences. If cell production is activated through applying the Golden Needle application and a reduction in wrinkles results from the new cells that have formed.


is based on the development of microcolumns with the desired intensity and depth in the skin by using laser energy. It eliminates affected cells in a controlled way by causing thousands of points destruction in the targeted area. The healing mechanisms are activated. It also provides relief in wrinkles and the development of new cell types.


The blood platelets are the first to travel to the area where the injury occurs within our bodies and start the cell repair process. Plasma is a process that mimics this mechanism in the body.

The quantity of platelets in the blood is raised and separated by using specific kits. Then, controlled damage is created on the skin using various techniques like derma roller dermapen, needle, and the made Plasma injected into the skin.

By activating the new cell, wrinkles get less noticeable.


The concept behind Dermal Injection therapy is to inject specific mixtures in the Skin Wrinkles treatment via microinjection, which assists in the regeneration of cells and the synthesis of fibres.

A question may pop up in your mind about why Dermal Injections are required in treating wrinkles, which is possible by other methods. However, hyaluronic acids and other components disappear from the skin in time. Therefore, dermal Injections are a crucial intermediate step for skin rejuvenation treatments.

This procedure is also known as facial mesolift. The injection into the dermis increases cellular metabolism and helps prepare the way for the rejuvenation of the tissues. This is why it's designed to increase the tension in the skin to help provide the proper balance of moisture, reduce wrinkles and open pores to aid in collagen production and speed up the turnover of cells.

There are a variety of cocktails to choose from, following how old an individual is and the requirements of their skin. In addition, drinks are used in treatments to lessen wrinkles.


Carbon peeling can be described as a facial renewal treatment that makes application of lasers and a carbon mask, which come with the advantage of being able to shoot within a millionth of one second.

The combination of laser energy with a carbon mask helps remove the dead upper layer of the skin by evaporating it in conjunction with carbon which causes a sudden increase in temperature. Furthermore, the photoactivation function that the laser produces, and aids in cells with a regenerative effect, is used. This helps in the formation of elasticity by stimulating the creation of collagenwithin the skin.

It minimizes wrinkles thanks to the photoactivation effects.

Focus ULTRASOUND (therapy)

Focus Utrason, which is a non-surgical procedure for tightening skin, is designed to treat loosening and sagging skin caused by the passage of time and gravity. With Ultherapy, it is possible to have sound waves targeted on 1.5-3-4.5 millimetres below the skin. It aids in strengthening the connective tissue beneath the skin by causing heat damage to the skin through the waves it transmits to the skin.


Alongside the effects of ageing and environmental influences, the use of facial expressions frequently can cause deeper wrinkles and more severe wrinkles.

In the middle of your eyebrows, the forehead, and the area around your eyes are the places most affected by this issue. Therefore, toxin application is injectable into these areas to help protect and reduce wrinkles. In addition, filling injections can be applied to the deeper areas.

Hyaluronic Acid (Filling) injections with diverse molecular characteristics can reduce wrinkles that are common to the face. They also help make sure that the skin can retain more moisture.

What of the numerous methods for removing wrinkles should be applied, and how are they used. These methods will be determined after the structure of the skin and wrinkle depth are assessed in depth by a seasoned doctor. Then, it is possible to apply it as a combination treatment. The individual programs must be organized. Dr Ali Holistic provide the best hair restoration specialist