Classroom Procedures

Classroom Procedures

 Take home folder: This folder will go home each day with your children and it needs to be brought back to school every morning. This folder will help with our parent-teacher communication. I will use this folder to send home notes about your child’s day, newsletters, activities for home, and announcements about things coming up in our room. Likewise, you are welcome to use this folder to share your comments, concerns, or questions with me. Each day I will ask you to sign your child’s daily note and return it.  In addition, there is a zipper bag included.  You can put any money your child needs or special notes and things you want me to see. 

Drop off and Pick up: Children are able to arrive at school beginning at 7:00 am.  Students who are being dropped off and are eating breakfast can be let out at the back of the school, by the cafeteria.  Do not pull up and park by the door, because this blocks the bus drop off.  You may pull in those spaces there and walk your child to the door.  If your child is not eating breakfast you may walk them in to the classroom.  Please check in the front office for a pass, and you may do so.  Our day begins at 7:30, and students need to be in the classroom by that time.  If not, they will be considered tardy. For dismissal, students who are being picked up are dismissed at 1:30.  We will walk the students out to the front of the building to meet you.  If it is inclement weather, we will wait inside the front door.  If your child rides the bus home he/she will be dismissed at 2:30, due to the bus schedule.   

Breakfast: Our students do have the option to eat breakfast at school.  Breakfast is served from 7:00-7:30.  If you would like your child to eat breakfast they  need to be here during that time frame.  Breakfast costs $1.50 a day that is $7.50 a week. 

Lunch: We eat lunch in the cafeteria from 10:25-10:50.  Students may purchase a lunch or bring their own.  Lunch costs $2.35 a day that is $11.75 for a week.  If your child brings their own lunch, we ask that you do not send anything that requires refrigeration or heating up.  We do not have access to this for each student. 

Rest Time: During our day we do have a rest period where children will lay on their mats. Please bring a sheet for your child’s mat (crib sheets or a towel work well) and they may want a blanket to cover up with. These sheets and blankets must be taken home to be washed every Friday. 

Clothes: Please send your child to school in clothes that are comfortable and durable. They will be running and playing most of the day and we often have messy activities in our class. We will use paint shirts, but sometimes your child will get messy. Also it is school policy that no children wear flip-flops or crocs to school. They can be very dangerous on our floors and playground equipment. Please keep a change of shirt, shorts, underwear and socks in their backpack because there are occasional accidents, messy play, or a messy lunch!  If your child is working on toilet training you may want to send extra.  In addition, we ask that you provide the necessary clothing (diapers, pull-ups, etc). 

Behavior:  Students will be rewarded for good behavior using what I call “Happy Grams.”  When a student is caught being good they will receive a Happy Gram to put on our class Smiley Face board.  At the end of the week, you will get a note home including all the wonderful things your child did at school.  Generally students who are engaging in inappropriate behavior will be redirected to a more appropriate activity.  Students who continue to engage in inappropriate behaviors will be given two warnings before being sent to the chill out area to have time to regain control.  Our goal is to focus on the positive behaviors and reward those, rather than dwell on the negative ones.

Progress ReportsEach student will be getting a progress report at the end of each six weeks.  This will cover his/her individualized goals or goals appropriate for his/her age.  They will be coming home in their folders.  If a student is absent it will be mailed home.  These are your copies to keep.  I keep a copy here at school for each student.  You will also receive a midterm report on your child.  This will be an abbreviated report of their progress.