Equitable Digital Access

                                   Image result for computers in classrooms


How to Ensure Equitable Digital Access in the Classroom

Technology is widely used in public education, and is important to have access to in today's classrooms.  Some students may not have computers or access to the internet at home; therefore, classroom time should be allotted for technology use. 

Scheduling class time for the computer lab/ tablet use and not assigning homework that requires technology allows for all students to be equal in their digital access. 





Image result for students using computers in classrooms clipart


Why is Equitable Digital Access Important in the Classroom?

The video below decribes the "homework gap" in technology use that hinders students' success, and how technology affects the way students do assignments. 

Students who do not have computers or high speed internet access can spend hours doing an assignment that others with high speed internet access can complete in 30 minutes. 

The internet is a helpful tool that provides answers at the click of a button, and that is why equal internet access is important for students. 



Be Aware of Students' Digital Access at Home

Take a survey at the beginning of the year to see what students' internet access at home looks like.

Allow students to work in the computer lab or use tablets that school provides to ensure that students are using similar technology with similar capabilites. 

Talk to students about how technology will be used in the classroom. 


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For more information on equitable digital access in the classroom click here to watch an informative webinar. 



Resources used:

"How do you Ensure Equitable Digital Access in your Classroom?" Digital Knowledge 505. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://sites.google.com/site/digitalknowledge505/5-how-do-you-ensure-equitable-digital-access-in-your-classroom

Hwang, Kaili. "4 Ways to Improve Digital Equity in Your Classroom." Common Sense Education, 2019, April 18. Retrieved from https://www.commonsense.org/education/articles/4-ways-to-improve-digital-equity-in-your-classroom

McLaughlin, Clare. "The Homework Gap: The 'Cruelest Part of the Digital Divide." neaToday, 2016, April 20. Retrieved from http://neatoday.org/2016/04/20/the-homework-gap/

Video References: 

"Equitable Access & Adaptive Tech." Craig Howdeshell,Youtube, 2015, 5  February. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-at0XaQymiM

"If You've Never Heard of the 'Homework Gap' This Video Will Shock You." SoulPancake, Youtube,  2017, 8 December. Retrieved from  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqkAlwGsxwE

"Ensuring Equitable Digital Access." Alliance for Excellent Education. Youtube, 2018, April 24. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84u8rhkEr3Q

Picture References:

Retrieved from https://www.pinterest.com/pin/784822672539343774/

Retrieved from http://clipartmag.com/free-computer-clipart-for-teachers 

Retrieved from http://neatoday.org/2013/07/31/as-more-schools-embrace-tablets-do-textbooks-have-a-fighting-chance-2/