Open Questions


1.                     What numbers can you make using 1, 0, 2, 7, 8, and 4?

2.                     Represent 247 in as many different ways as you can, with materials and numbers.

3.                     Which number in this group does not belong? Why?      15       2          8          13       16

4.                     Create any two [different] fractions (improper, mixed, proper). What do you know about these fractions?

5.                     Show a fraction in as many ways as you can.

6.                     Share an example of where you would see and use fractions in real life. Why did you pick this example? How does this help you to understand fractions?

7.                     Design an energy efficient home with an area of 480 square metres. What are all possible designs with this area? What would be the perimeter of each design? Each room should have a different shape with its area listed as well. Remember to label all the accessories that make this home energy efficient.

8.                     Gabrielle was creating a science lab for Tri-Alpha industries. They asked her create a room that had an area of 32 m2. What dimensions could the science lab have? Show your work!

9.                     Prince William and Prince Catherine received a billboard sized portrait of there wedding. The portrait was 15 m by 9m. Many fans of the new royal couple wanted a copy of the portrait. Some wanted a copy the size of wall, other wanted a wallet sized portrait, while others wanted a copy that could fit in a frame on their desk. What are the possible dimensions, perimeter and area for the portrait at each size?

10.                How do you know when to use millilitres, litres, cubic centimetres or cubic metres ?

11.                Explain how you would measure the surface area and volume of a cereal box ?

12.                Write about different things you measure and how you measure them. How are some of those measures related ?

13.                Two local towns are having a competition to see who has the biggest “pothole” in their Main Street.  The mayors have commissioned the Grade Five students from the two respective public schools to compare and measure the capacity of the two potholes to declare the winner.  What strategies can you use to help the students determine the larger pothole?  What tools will you use to measure the overall volume?  How may be following items help you out: a hose, an empty can, a styrofoam cup, a sponge?  Describe the strategies you used.

14.                There is a fresh water spring in the forest.  You need to fill a 4 L bucket, however, the bucket it too big to fit into the hole.  How many 250 ml bottles will you need to fill your bucket?  Show the steps taken to complete this problem.

15.                The local grocery store has an 18L bottle of water on sale for $10.00.  They also have cases of 24  250ml water bottles on sale for $5.00 each.  What is the better deal?  Which would you buy, and why?

16.                I told my son that 10 000 mg is heavier than 100 g. Am I right or wrong? Prove your answer using any strategy you wish.

17.                Sarah thought that taking a bath would be better for the environment than having a shower. The average shower wastes about 100L of water. She checked her bathtub volume by filling it one water bottle at a time (from the tap). Was she right? Is taking a bath a better way to conserve water than showering? Prove your answer using any strategies you wish.

18.                Find five items in the room that are less than 0.6 m long. List the items and explain how you know that your items meet the required rule.

19.                Hadis needs to find the product of 6 x 17.  


 Show Hadis how he can use break this array into smaller arrays to help him find the product.

20.                If you know 8 x 3, what else do you know?

21.                The estimated answer to a multiplication question is 360. What might the question be? How do you know?


1.                     The answer is a quadrilateral. What might the question be?

2.                     How is a square and rectangle alike? How are they different?

3.                     Create a room made from two different 2-D shapes. How many vertices and edges will this room have? 

4.                     You survey the class and one half of the class says yes and one half of the class says no.  What might the survey be about?

5.                     Post a Weekly lunch count for the class -include bagged lunch, lunch connection and going home for lunch.  Graph your results.

6.                     On a graph about pets owned by students in our classroom there are more dogs than cats and more cats than birds.   The smallest number was rodents.  Represent this how you want to the class.

7.                     Jacob is drawing a picture of his backyard in his math book. He determines the perimeter to be 14 units. What might the area be? What might the yard look like? Are there more than one way to answer this question? Justify your answer. (In this case, some students would receive only one prompt. Others would receive all).  

8.                     Draw two or more figures with equal areas but different perimeters.

9.                     Jaeden and Tristan each draw a rectangle in their notebooks. Jaeden's rectangle has an area that is exactly double that of Tristan's. What could their rectangles look like? Could you answer this question differently? Justify your answer.