What is off-page SEO?

Off-page SEO, also known as off-site SEO, describes optimization techniques that can improve your ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). These techniques, however, happen outside of your site and involve attracting links from other websites, shares on social media, and mentions across the web.

Off-page SEO: What it is and how to do it?

Learn all about off-page search engine optimization, from what it is to how to do it, in this helpful video! You can also get a head start on implementing these strategies with our expert team.

Off-page SEO vs. on-page SEO

Off-page SEO is when your website is mentioned elsewhere on the web, and on-page SEO is the optimization of your website.

  • Off-page SEO is an effort (such as through social media marketing or influencer marketing) to generate links and ratings, so your site rises in credibility and rank. Off-page SEO is out of your control.
  • On-page SEO is the optimization of items on your website (such as keyword optimization and internal linking), so you can rank higher for the keywords you target. On-page SEO is within your control.

The most significant difference between on-page and off-page is that Google uses your on-page SEO to measure your page’s relevancy and your off-page SEO to measure your page’s credibility.

Make sure that you are implementing both strategies. Your on-page SEO is what makes your off-page SEO strategy successful.


Why does off-page SEO matter?

Off-page SEO is tremendously valuable because it tells search engines that your website is important to others on the web. Every link that you receive acts as an endorsement from another source that your website is quality.

This lets external sources act as tie-breakers for websites that have the same quality of on-page SEO so search engines know the best to rank websites on search engine results pages (SERPs).

For example, if we look at two wedding websites with similar content, which site would rank higher?

If the sites use similar on-page SEO strategies, off-page SEO signals can help determine which site ranks higher in search results.

Search engines like Google measure off-page SEO factors, like the number and quality of backlinks to websites.


If one of the wedding websites has more backlinks from reputable sources, while the other site has received zero online mentions, the site with more backlinks (and better online reputation) will likely rank higher.

Using numerous off-page and on-page SEO factors, search engines determine how valuable pages are to searchers’ queries and return relevant results accordingly.

Just remember — a page without off-site optimization is like a wedding without invitations. It’ll become a no-show.