How to Log Out of Facebook Messenger?


We might want to logout of our Facebook messenger on your phone but fail to do so because of various reasons like you want to login into your existing account or you don't want others to check out your message or may be another different reason. 

But we are here to help you with Logout Messenger on iPhone. Even without deleting the app you can do this. 

For Android users: 

step 1 :-  Open the settings in your phone app. From the settings, select the apps & notifications options. 

Step 2:- Scroll and select the messenger app. 

Step 3:- Then select on the storage & cache

Step 4:- Tap clear storage and confirm by clicking ok. Now go to messenger and check whether it has worked. 

How to sign out on Messenger on your iPhone? 

For iPhone users: 

Step 1:- At the top left of your messenger app, you would be able to see your profile; click on that. 

Step 2 :- Click on the account settings and then tap on the security and login. 

Step 3 :- Now you could see where you're logged in and click see more. 

Step 4 :-This will show you the list of devices your messenger is signed in. Among that tap the device you are using now, click on the three dots and select log out. 

Now your question about how to logout of messenger apps has been clarified by us.

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