Career and Research  - Course Syllabus

Coach Zeida Davila – Room 33

Coach Tony Meilan – Room 36    


Course Description

The purpose of this course is to enable students to explore careers and make informed career choices. Activities will enable students to increase self-awareness and develop the skills needed to successfully plan for postsecondary education and the workplace.


•  Notebook with folders (detachable paper)

•  Blue / black pen

•  Flash drive

•  $10 lab fee

Make-Up Work

Make-up work and tests will only be given when a missed day is EXCUSED. As per school policy, all assignments are due your first day back to school. To make up a test or get your homework from a missed day you must come see us before the end of your first day back to school. If you fail to come see us you will be given a zero for that particular assignment or test. Unexcused absences result in a zero.

Evaluation Procedure

Grades will be based on measurable achievement and students will be assessed on the following:

·      Classwork              35%                            Quizzes        15%

·      Home Learning      25%                            Tests            25%

Class Expectations

1.           Please refer to the Mater Academy student handbook for school procedures and policies.

2.           Turn off and turn in all electronic devices prior to start of class, no exceptions!!!

3.           We will be courteous and respectful to one another.

4.           Inappropriate language and gestures will not be tolerated.

5.           No food, drink or gum allowed in class.

6.           Students are not to put their heads down on the desks.

7.           Students are encouraged to participate in class discussions.

Dismissal – We will dismiss you from class not the bell.   Do not pack your materials; we will work until the end of the period.

The Right To Learn – Everyone has the right to learn, so if you are infringing on anyone’s rights, consequences will be assessed.

F.B.L.A. - Membership in Future Business Leaders of America is not required but strongly encouraged.  Participation in competition will help your class grade.


**We reserve the right to change or add to any of these policies during the school year. **


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I understand the expectations and consequences of the Mater Academy Business Program, as covered in this parent / student contract. 

Student Name (Printed) _________________________ (Signed) ___________________________ (Date) _________

Parent Signature ______________________________  (Date) ________

**Once signed, please return to your teacher. This will count as your first grade.**