8th ELA

Quarter One

What Are We Reading This Quarter? Flowers for Algernon; Raymond's Run (short story)
Grammar This Quarter: Sentence Types, Clauses, Phrases, Conjunctions, Verbals, Sentence Errors
What Are We Writing This Quarter? R.A.C.E. Constructed Responses; Argumentative Essays

Week 1 

  • Tuesday, August 4
    • Introductions (PPT x 2 (Cox/Patty and Open House Slides)), Discuss Syllabus (located in Schoology), Class Rules and Expectations, Set Up Notebooks/Folders (Vocab, Grammar, Notes, Writing, Homework), Website introduction, Discuss Chromebooks, PBIS rewards
    • Introduce and explain the Out of class pass
    • Show PBIS video on classroom 
    • Discuss Code of Conduct expectations (yellow slides)
    • Seating charts- ABC order
    • 6th period - hand out papers, syllabus and mask (sign sheet)
    • Explain warm up sheets and location
    • Syllabus was sent home today. Please sign the Team 803 syllabus page.
    • Letter to your end of 8th grade self 
    • All About Me Sheet (handout)
      • Review policies and procedures - ELA all of pages 4 and 5 stopping at early check out
      • Locker assignment information - sign up and pay online (MyPayments Plus)
      • Discuss All About Me and/or Interview presentation. Allow students time during class to work on this assignment. 
  • Wednesday, August 5
      • Reminder of rules, expectations, locations of items within the classroom
      • Peer interview (on the back of All About Me worksheet handout)
      • Reminder: Return your syllabus signed by tomorrow and get ready for your presentations later this week. 
  • Thursday, August 6
    • Presentations (All About Me or Peer Interview)
    • If everyone has a CB: Show What You Know Assignment in Schoology (pre-test) - on scantron
    • Readtheory.org - Lexile Score
    • If time: Would you rather game - choose a side 
  • Friday - August 7
    • All About Me or Peer Interview presentations 
    • Syllabus signature page (Team 803) due today!
    • Website bookmark
    • Readtheory.org - Lexile Score
    • If everyone has a CB: Show What You Know Assignment in Schoology (pre-test)
    • Log into your CB and bookmark my Webpage and access Schoology

Week 2 - (Read FFA Progress Reports 1-8 this week)

  • EQ: What is IQ?
    Standards: ELAGSE8RL2: Determine a theme and/or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including its relationship to the characters, setting, and plot; provide an objective summary of the text. ELAGSE8RL3: Analyze how particular lines of dialogue or incidents in a story or drama propel the action, reveal aspects of a character, or provoke a decision.
  • Monday - August 10
    • Daily Warm Up #1 - write on the warm up template sheet (will be checked for a grade every Friday)
    • Flowers for Algernon vocabulary - quiz is Friday
    • HW: Fill in your homework chart. Due tomorrow.
    • Brain checklist inventory to determine left brain vs. right brain dominance. (1:42)
    • Volunteer to read Can you read this and Ode to a spell checker (displayed on board)
    • Define IQ as intelligence quotient 
    • IN Class Discussion in Schoology: paragraph response to "Your IQ is more important than your I will" Agree or disagree and cite examples to prove your position. 5-7 sentence paragraph.
    • What is IQ and how is it measured article
  • Tuesday - August 11
    • Daily Warm Up #2
    • Collect homework - Put in InBox (-10 points for same day late; -30 points for late after Tuesday)
    • Flowers for Algernon digital book
    • Flowers for Algernon digital book
    • Review vocab words - quiz is Friday in Schoology
    • Plot Diagram PPT (review together as a class) and Hand out plot diagram and FFA study guide. Fill in plot diagram as a way to practice for next week's plot diagram cold read (test grade)
    • Review the picture and pre-read questions in brown literature book.
    • Began short story, Flowers for Algernon in class with reading. (popcorn reading in class) (read progress reports 1-3 today)
    • Discussion on Perspective (point of view). Identified 1st person in text.
    • Inkblot examples
    • Readtheory.org - Lexile Score
  • Wednesday - August 12 
    • Daily Warm Up #3
    • Finish/Review discussion on IQ vs. I Will (anyone want to share what they wrote?)
    • Review vocab words - quiz is Friday
    • Review guided questions on Flowers for Algernon in class today. Put in your notebook and keep as notes (use them on upcoming tests/quizzes)
    • Continue reading, Flowers for Algernon digital book in class. Read progress reports 4-7 in class today.
    • Create inkblots in class today.
    • Set up a Google Doc and label it FFA Discussion Questions. Copy and paste FFA Discussion questions and fill in 182- 189 today. 
    • Readtheory.org - Lexile Score
  • Thursday - August 13
    • Daily Warm Up #4
    • Kahoot - Vocab Review - quiz is Friday
    • Flowers Kahoot
    • Quizlet- Vocab Review (students create their own and share).
    • Homework: Review your vocab for tomorrow's quiz 
    • Read Flowers for Algernon digital book - progress report 8 today in class.
    • Fill in Guided Reading Questions 7-14.
    • Discussion Questions in Schoology:  Charlie is given the opportunity to have surgery on his brain to make him smarter. Would you allow scientists/doctors to do brain surgery on you (or someone you loved) in order to become smarter even if the results were temporary? Why or why not
    • Readtheory.org - Lexile Score
  • Friday - August 14
    • Check notebooks for daily warm ups #1-4 (daily grade)
    • Flowers for Algernon vocabulary quiz today. (Quiz grade) - Schoology: Flowers for Algernon Folder : Flowers for Algernon vocabulary quiz (green puzzle piece)
    • Read Progress Report 9 today; Fill in Guided Questions; discuss together 
    • Watch Flowers movie clips and compare written to film version (maze scene and friends/work scene)
    • Schoology: Progress Monitor Check 1-8 Flowers for Algernon
    •  Correct the Mayor assignment 
    • If time: Q1 Pretest - Schoology
    • If time: Readtheory.org - Lexile Score
    • Click on the Journal Topics link and copy #1-40. Paste them in a new Google Doc (labeled Journal Topics)

Week 3  - Flowers for Algernon & Plot Diagram
EQ: What have we learned about Charlie so far? Is Charlie a Static Character or a Dynamic Character?
Standards: ELAGSE8RL2: Determine a theme and/or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including its relationship to the characters, setting, and plot; provide an objective summary of the text. ELAGSE8RL3: Analyze how particular lines of dialogue or incidents in a story or drama propel the action, reveal aspects of a character, or provoke a decision.

  • Monday - August 17 
    • Daily Warm Up #5
    • Review elements of a short story (vocab list #2)
    • Journal #1 - write these on your Google Doc. Make sure to label it Journal Topics
    • Read Flowers for Algernon progress report 11 today. (Quiz on PR 11 tomorrow)
    • Homework : Fill in your homework chart. Due tomorrow. Review plot diagram for Thursday's test
    • Fill in Guided Questions -  Google Doc 190 - 197
    • Review plot diagram  for this week's test (3 Little PIgs book or No more kisses please book)
    • Handed out FFA study guide today. Test is next week.
    • IXL B.2 - Theme and IXL C.3 - tone 
    • Readtheory.org
  • Tuesday - August 18)
    • Daily Warm Up #6
    • Take up homework - review words
    • Review vocab words (quiz is Friday) 
    •  Quiz on FFA P.R. 11 - Schoology (upcoming)
    • IXL B.2 - Theme and IXL C.3 - tone 
    • Flowers for Algernon movie clip (work scene where he intimidates coworkers) 45:09 - 50:29
    • Flowers for Algernon - read Progress Report 12 - Flowers for Algernon and discuss
    • Fill in Guided Questions - Google Doc 197-203 (top)
    • Homework : Study for your vocab quiz - on Friday. 
    • Practice Plot Diagram for Thursday's cold read (test grade) - Flowers for Algernon Plot Diagram (filled in exposition and rising action today)
    • Readtheory.org
  • Wednesday - August 19 
  • Thursday - August 20 - Plot Diagram Test
    • Daily Warm Up #8
    • Vocab Review - Kahoot
    • Cold Read "Charles" - plot diagram (read on your own and fill in for a test grade)
    • HW: Study for tomorrow's vocab quiz. 
    • IXL B.2 and C.3
    • Fill in study guide for FFA test (next Tuesday)
    • Readtheory.org
  • Friday - August 21
    • Turn in daily warm ups #5-8 (classwork grade)
    • Vocab Quiz - Schoology (list 2 Elements of a short story located in Vocabulary Folder : August Vocab Quizzes folder)
    • Journal #2
    • Quarter 1 Pre-Test - Schoology
    • Fill in FFA Study Guide - test is Tuesday
    • IXL ELA finish B.2 and C.3 
    • 3rd Pd: Amelia Earhart Scholastic Scope article. Read and answer the discussion in Schoology (Short Stories Folder)
    • Readtheory.org
  • Week 4- Begin reading Bad BoyGrammar - Sentence Types, Clauses/Phrases, Fragments, Comma Splices

  • EQ: Who is Walter Dean Myers?
    Standards: ELAGSE8L2: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. a. Use punctuation (comma, ellipsis, dash) to indicate a pause or break. b. Use an ellipsis to indicate an omission. c. Spell correctly.
    Vocabulary Words - Quiz Friday
  • Monday - August 24 - Bad Boy Digital Link
  • Tuesday - August 25 Bad Boy Digital Link
  • Wednesday - August 26  Bad Boy Digital Link
  • Thursday - August 27 Bad Boy Digital Link - Lockdown Drill 9:45 AM
  • Friday - August 28- Review grammar (sentence types, fragments and run-ons)
    • Begin roating schedule today
    • Check warm up sheets for daily warm ups #9-12 (daily grade)
    • Discuss Run On Sentences (preview/reminder for upcoming Argumentative Essay)
    • IXL Z.6 (Run on sentences) 
    • Finish and turn in your 6 word memoir with colored illustration (handout from Weds.)
    • Vocab quiz today : Schoology: Upcoming 
    • Turn in journals 1-5 : Schoology : Journal Submissions folder
    • Flowers for Algernon video
    • Readtheory.org


Week 5  - Bad Boy/Author's Purpose/Verbals
Vocab words - Quiz Friday
EQ: What is an example of colloquialism?
Standards: ELAGSE8L2: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. a. Use punctuation (comma, ellipsis, dash) to indicate a pause or break. b. Use an ellipsis to indicate an omission. c. Spell correctly.

Week 6: Argumentative Essay due this week. Topic: Should school discipline resemble the model of 1950s educational systems featured in Bad Boy or be more like the code of conduct in schools today?


Week 7 (September 14 - 18)- Verbals (Gerunds); Genre, Subgenre

EQ: What is a gerund? 
Vocab words

Week 9 (Sept. 28 - Oct. 3, 2020) - Q1 Exam & Review Week

  • Monday - Sept. 28
    • Warm Up - Q1 Exam Review Warm Up #1
    • No Vocab This Week - just review of Q1 exam words
    • Journal 15 
    • Submit Journals 11-15 : Schoology: Journal Submissions Folder
    • Study Guide - Go over together
    • Read Scholastic Scope Vaping Article and Tobacco article (paired texts, pages 16-21). Discuss author's purpose, conflict, point of view, genre, etc. 
    • Complete the What Juul Tried to Hide Discussion - Schoology : Upcoming (respond to 2 peers)
  • Tuesday - September 29
    • Warm Up - Q1 Exam Review Warm Up #2
    • Q1 Exam Stuff Folder - green puzzle piece practice assignments. POV/Perspective folder
    • POV Millionaire Game - Schoology 
    • Discuss Types of Conflict
    •  Q1 Exam Stuff Folder - Complete the Topic/Theme/Mood/Plot Review practice assignment (green puzzle piece)
    • Complete the Point of View practice assignment (green puzzle piece)
    • Kahoot - Q1 Exam Review
    • Any last questions on Study Guide ?
    • Word Challenge: take any 8th grade hall staff member's name and make as many new words (3+ letters) as you can. Bonus points on exam. No proper nouns
  • Wednesday - September 30 - Media Center Visit
    • Warm Up - Q1 Exam Review Warm Up #3
    • Q1 Exam Review - Kahoot #2
    • Quizlet Live - Verbals (practice) 
    • POV Millionaire Game - do this together 
    • Complete the Verbals Test practice assignment (green puzzle piece) - 2 attempts
    • Review for Friday's exam - Study Guide
      • Didn't Use in 2020: Schoology: Short Stories Folder : Read Raymond's Run and take the comprehension check. Discuss conflict, antagonist, protagonist, genre
  • Thursday - October 1 
    •  Make up day - last call for any late or missing work to be completed and submitted 
    • Didn't use in 2020: Central Idea Review : Ready Reader Book pages 3-7
    • Anne Frank Bio Video
  • Friday - October 2 - Q1 Exam




Quarter Two
What Are We Reading This Quarter? Edgar Allan Poe; Nothing but the Truth; Various Short Stories
Grammar This Quarter: Allusions, Analogies, Modifiers,  Irony; Passive and Active Voice; Verb Mood
What Are We Writing This Quarter? Informative Essays

Week 10 (Oct. 5 - Oct. 9)

Monday, Oct. 5 - Wear Blue Today (World Day of Bullying Prevention) 

Tuesday, Oct. 6

Wednesday, Oct.7 : Fall Break Fun Day (wear tie dye or camo)

Thursday, Oct. 8 : Fall Break Fun Day (twin with someone)

  • Warm Up #38 (Analogies #4)
  • 6th Pd: Hand out Map score envelopes to go home
  • CFA: Active and Passive Voice
  • After you finish the CFA: go to Schoology: Grammar : Verb Mood folder. Fill in your Verb Mood cloze notes from the Verbs Have Moods Too PPT
  • Discuss Verb Mood (video) and go over Mood notes together 
  • Review vocab words - quiz is tomorrow Quizlet Live
  • IXL N.1 and N.2

Friday, Oct. 9 : Fall Break Fun Day (wear team jersey or school spirit wear)

  • Turn in warm ups (if you haven't yet)
  • Vocab Quiz : Schoology : Upcoming
  • Verb Mood - Practice Assignment : Schoology
  • Journal 18 - write this on your Journal Topics Google Doc
  • Scary Stories and pics - write your own - Schoology : Q2 Folder: Creepy Artwork (pick one to write about)
  • IXL N.1 and N.2 - due today
  • 6th Period: Desk Cleanout
  • If time: Ready Reader Book pages 253-258


Week 11 (October 12 - 16) -  No School This Week - Fall Break!


Week 12 - Week of Oct. 19 - 23 - Edgar Allan Poe Stories & Headstone Project

  • Monday - October 19
  • Tuesday - October 20
    • Warm Up #41 (Analogies #2)
    • Turn in Vocab HW
    • Review voice and mood : fill in study guide. Ready Reader book pages 243-248 (Test is Friday)
    • Tell Tale Heart Videos (Simpsons and monologue)
    • Tell-Tale Heart 20 question comprehension check - Schoology : Q2 Folder : Poe Folder (use your notes from yesterday)
    • Introduce Symbolism and family crest - work on family crest in class (full color with 4 images) - turn in the InBox
    • Work on Poe Headstone Project - Info here & Crest
  • Wednesday - October 21 
  • Thursday - October 22 - Grill and Chill 1-2 PM outside
    • Warm Up 43
    • Full Poe Bio video and fill in worksheet (notes from A&E Bio video)
    • Journal 19 - Describe your favorite holiday. (Google Doc Journal Topics)
    • Review for tomorrow's test on voice and mood - Reader Reader page 253 (voice and mood review)
    • Vocab Reivew- Kahoot
  • Friday -October 23

Week of Oct. 26 - Oct. 30 - Continue Edgar Allan Poe; Poe Headstone (Informative Essay) due this Friday

Monday, Oct. 26

Tuesday - October 27

Wednesday - October 28

Thursday - October 29

  • Warm Up 46
  • Write an alternate ending (on notebook paper) to The Pit and the Pendulum. It should be at least one paragraph (5-7 sentences) and should fully develop an alternate ending to what happened to the narrator once he was rescued. 
  • Irony : Ready Reader Book page 273-274
  • Turn in Warm Ups 
  • Journal 22
  • Work on Poe obituary/headstone in class today
  • Irony handout
  • IXL T.2 
  • Read Poe's Black Cat (student version)
  • Black Cat video

Friday - Oct. 30 - Poe Headstone due today

  • Take Up Warm Ups  (if you didn't turn them in yesterday) 
  • Irony Words-  Quiz is today!
  • Turn in Poe Headstone Project Today - anyone want to present theirs?
  • Discuss Pit and the Pendulum's alternate ending. Anyone want to share their alt ending? 
  • Irony Millionaires Game
  • Poe Quizlet (overall review)
  • Ticket out the Door (Summarizer folder in Schoology) - Irony
  • Read The Necklace and discuss Irony


Week 15 (November 2 - 6) Nothing but the Truth(Read Chapters 1 - 8 this week)  - Puns

Monday, November 2

Tuesday, November 3

  • Warm Up 48
  • Take up vocab homework & review vocab words
  • Nothing but the Truth Chapters 2- 6 today (Schoology: Q2 Folder : Nothing but the Truth Folder : Pdf ch. 1-9)
  • Quiz on NBTT Chapters 1 and 2 today - Schoology : Q2 folder : Nothing but the Truth Folder
  • Journal 23
  • Discuss Ellipses, Hyphens and Dashes
  • Brain Pop: Hyphens and Dashes
  • Discuss Connotation and Denotation for tomorrow's CFA
  • IXL PP1, PP2, PP3 - due Friday

Wednesday, November 4 - Media Center Visit

Thursday, November 5

  •  Warm Up 50 
  • NBTT Vocab Review - Quizlet 
  • Nothing but the Truth - Ch. 10
  • Quiz on NBTT Ch 3-10 - Schoology 
  • If time: Ellipses web link
  • Journal 25
  • submit journals 21-25
  • Puns - Schoology: Grammar folder : Connotation/Denotation/Puns folder 
    • Puns PPT and Puns Worksheet

Friday, November 6

  • Take Up Warm Ups (47, 48, 49, 50)
  • Nothing But the Truth Vocab quiz today : Schoology : Upcoming
  • IXL Pp.1, Pp.2, PP.3 - due today
  • Nothing but the Truth - Ch. 11
  • Hyphens/Dashes Ready Reader page 259
  • Ellipses - Ready Reader page 261


Week 16 (November 9-13) - Nothing but the Truth; Hyphens/Dashes/Ellipsis

  • Monday, November 9
  • Tuesday, November 10
    • Review ethos, logos, and pathos
    • Continue Reading Nothing but the Truth :  Ch. 13; discuss
      • Identify ethos, pathos, logos in this chapter 
    • IXL PP1 - PP3 for CFA on Thursday; review
    • Hyphens and Dash practice assignment : Schoolgoy : Upcoming (or Grammar, Sentence Variety folder)
    • Journal 26 - Google Doc
    • If time: Print/hand out Green Grammar Book page 613-614 (hyphens/dashes/ellpsis review)
  • Wednesday, November 11
    • Warm Up 52
    • Review Vocab - quiz is Friday
    • IXL PP1 - PP3 for CFA on Thursday; review
    • Continue Reading Nothing but the Truth : Ch. 14; discuss
      • Identify ethos, pathos, logos in this chapter 
      • NBTT quiz Ch 11-14/Review Ch. 14
  • Thursday, November 12 
  • Friday, November 13
    • Take Up Warm Ups (51-54)
    • Vocab Quiz - Nothing but the Truth vocab list 2
    • Finish Nothing but the Truth(Ch 16-19); discuss. Final thoughts on the novel?
    • Discussion question in Schoology - Nothing but the Truth folder


November 16 - November 20

Monday, Nov. 16

Tuesday, Nov. 17


Wednesday, Nov. 18 - Observation by Mr. Donaldson (30 mins)

  • Warm Up 57  (Analogies/allusions)
  • Review vocab words
  • IXL E.4 and E.5 (allusions/irony)
  • Journal writing on Google Doc : #29
  • Allusions review : Allusions Practice : Schoology : Grammar Folder : Allusions folder
  • Introduce One Pager and discuss expectations - Explanation
  • Examples: NBTT and Matilda - Your Character Options

Thursday, Nov. 19


Friday, Nov. 20

  • Take Up Warm Ups (55-58)
  • Vocab Quiz - Schoology
  • IXL E.3 and E.4  (allusions/irony) - due today (input highest score in IC)
  • Journal writing on Google Doc : # 30
  •  Submit Journals 26-30 : Schoology: Journal Submissions Folder
  • Sequencing Practice

November 23-27, 2020 - NO School - Thanksgiving Break

November 30 - December 4, 2020

Dec. 7 - 11, 2020

  • Monday, December 7
    • Warm Up 63
    • Vocab Words - The Necklace List - no vocab homework or quiz this week
    • IXL A.1 (central idea) - Q2 Exam Review
    • Journal 34
    • Scholastic Scope Mt. Everest Article and questions in Schoology
  • Tuesday, Dec. 8 - Bus Driver Cards
    • Warm up 64
    • Review vocab (no homework or quiz this week)
    • Q2 Exam Review - go over Figurative Language
    • Read The Necklace (listen to audio)
    • The Necklace: Worksheet/Handout
    • The Necklace Comprehension Check - Schoology
    • IXL A1. - due Friday
  • Wednesday, Dec. 9 
    • Warm Up 65
    • Review vocab - no quiz this week
    • IXL A.1 - due Friday
    • Journal 35 
    • Submit Journals 31 - 35 - Schoology : Journal Submission Folder
    • Connotation/Denotation group assignment (Sports Teams). Create a Google Doc to share (1 per team) - handout
  • Thursday, Dec. 10
    • Warm up 66
    • Finish and submit your Sports Team group assignment - Schoology
    • Turn in warm ups
    • IXL A.1
    • Turn in journals 31-35 if you didn't yesterday
  • Friday, Dec. 11
    • Exam Review - Schoology: Reading Passage Main Idea
    • When you finish: 

    • Review for Q2 Final Exam - Start Filling in your Study Guide

    • IXL A.1 - due today

    • Ray Bradbury’s A Sound of Thunder (summary)

      1. Simpson’s Parody

    • A Sound of Thunder Video


Week 21 - (December 14-18) 

Monday, Dec. 14- Exam Review 

  • Q2 Exam Review Warm Up #1
  • Go over Q2 Exam Study Guide and Review for Q2 Exam
  • Vocab : Q2 Exam Review list (no HW)
  • Practice Link in Schoology -  irony practice
  • Figurative Language Christmas Song Treasure Hunt (handout). Use this to fill in your notes
    • Check Schoology for the Google Doc with the Christmas song lyrics. This will help you fill in your handout
  • IXL K.3 - supporting claims/evidence (IXL challenge. Score a 95 or higher to get your name in a drawing). Want more entires? Try K.1 and K.2

Tuesday, Dec. 15 - Exam Review

Wednesday, Dec. 16  - Exam Review

Thursday, Dec. 17 - Exam Review

Friday Dec, 18  - Exam Today


Didn't use in 2020

Letter to Your End of Your 8th Grade Self
Persuasive Debate Topics
Brain Pop on Debating




January 6-8

Week 23 (January 6 - January 8

Wednesday, Jan. 6


Monday, January 11

  • Warm Up 66
  • Vocab Homework : Jan. 11 list
  • Review MLA Format and POW Essay - due Friday
  • Work on your Essay
  • Go over Classroom rules, procedures, expectations again. Explain new bathroom passes 
  • Second Semester Self-Assessment handout
  • Introduce Louis Zamperini and Unbroken novel.
  • Watch Louis Zamperini bio video 35:18 - fill in handout as you watch and turn it in to the Inbox before you leave class.
  • If time: Four POWs we should all remember
  • If time: Make encouragement cards for staff at Monroe hospital.

Tuesday, Jan. 12

  • Warm Up 67
  • Turn in vocab homework and review words
  • Journal #36 - Google Docs
  • Discuss Textual Evidence and Explicit Vs. Implicit
  • Handout: Implict vs. Explicit  - fill in cloze notes for Explict
  • Finding explicit textual evidence (Beyonce song) - Youtube Video 6:02
  • Go here: Schoology : Q3 Folder : Citing Textual Evidence Folder : Citing Textual Evidence PowerPoint  (use these to fill in your notes)
  • Reminder: Complete and submit your Fables/Tall Tale Chart if you haven't already : Schoology Q3 Folder: Fables Folder
  • Work on Informational Essay  - due Jan. 15. (MLA format)
  • Make encouragement cards for staff at Monroe hospital.

Wednesday, Jan. 13

Thursday, Jan. 14

Friday, Jan. 15

Monday, Jan. 18 - NO School

Tuesday, Jan. 19

  • Warm Up : Root Words #1
  • Vocab Words : Jan. 18 list - NO HW tonight; quiz is Friday
  • Discuss Greek and Latin Root Words
  • IXL R1 and R2 - due Friday
  • Read Unbroken Ch. 1 : Schoology: Q3 Folder : Unbroken Novel Folder : Unbroken Young Adult Version Digital Book Folder
  • Discuss Ch. 1.
  • Unbroken Discussion - Schoology: Q3 Folder : Unbroken Novel Folder : Discussion folder. Discussion for 1/19/2021 - answer in comments
  •  Journal#38: Your best friend wants to drop out of school? What would you do to encourage him/her to stay and graduate? - Google Doc
  • Reminder: Turn in essay if you didn't on Friday and  Unbroken Extra Credit Opportunity: due Feb. 12

Wednesday, Jan. 20

  • Review vocab words
  • IXL R1 and R2 - due Friday
  • Warm Up : Root Words #2
  • Read Unbroken Ch. 3  : Schoology: Q3 Folder : Unbroken Novel Folder : Unbroken Young Adult Version Digital Book Folder
  • Journal #39: What are your goals/dreams in life?
  • Reminder: Unbroken Extra Credit Opportunity: due Feb. 12

Thursday, Jan. 21

Friday, Jan. 22

  • IXL R1 and R2 due today
  • Vocab Quiz: Schoology: Upcoming
  • Journal #40: Which rule at YMS would you like to delete? Which would you add?
  • Submit journals 36-40  
  • Reminder: Unbroken Extra Credit Opportunity: due Feb. 12
  • Read Unbroken  : Schoology: Q3 Folder : Unbroken Novel Folder : Unbroken Young Adult Version Digital Book Folder - Ch. 11
  • Watch Superman movie clip and downed plane movie clip


Monday, Jan. 25

  • Warm Up
  • Vocab (no HW or quiz this week) - root/suffixes/prefixes words
  • IXL Q5 and Q8 - due Friday
  • Go here: Schoology: Q3 Folder : Unbroken Folder : Unbroken Young Adult Version Folder:
    • Read Unbroken Ch. 12-13; discuss and fill in your notes (worksheet)
  • Prefixes and Suffixes practice - Schoology; Upcoming
  • Reminder: CFA on Prefixes/Suffixes is this Thursday

Tuesday, Jan. 26

  • Warm Up
  • Go here: Schoology: Q3 Folder : Unbroken Folder : Unbroken Young Adult Version Folder:
    • Read Unbroken Ch. 14
  • Watch clip (A Storm and a Prayer)
  • IXL Q5 and Q8 - due Friday
  • Journal 41
  • Review for Thursday’s CFA : Handout/worksheet practice

Wednesday, Jan. 27

  • Warm Up
  • Go here: Schoology: Q3 Folder : Unbroken Folder : Unbroken Young Adult Version Folder:
    • Read Unbroken Ch. 15 - discuss and fill in your notes (worksheet handout)
  • Watch video clip (Japanese plane)
  • IXL Q5 and Q8 - due Friday
  • Prefixes/Suffixes Go-fish game
  • CFA is tomorrow (prefixes and suffixes)

Thursday, Jan. 28

  • Warm Up
  • IXL Q5 and Q8  (text structure) - due tomorrow
  • Vocab challenge - make as many new words with 1 prefix of your choice (see word wall)
  • Write down your IXL scores (handout)
  • CFA : Text structure and credible sources - Schoology
  • Journal 42

Friday, Jan. 29

  • No vocab quiz today
  • Journal 43
  • Go here: Schoology: Q3 Folder : Unbroken Folder : Unbroken Young Adult Version Folder:
    • Read Unbroken Ch. 16 - discuss and fill in your notes (worksheet handout)
  • Watch video clip (Mac dies)
  • IXL Q5 and Q8 due today


Monday, Feb. 22

Tuesday, Feb. 23

  • Warm Up #81
  • Turn in Vocab HW; Review words
  • Read 12 Angry Men : Act 1 (pages 10 - 20)
  • 12 Angry Men Clip
  • 12 Angry Men Discussion - Schoology: Upcoming
  • Journal 50 - Google Doc
  • Submit Journals 46-50 - Schoology: Journal Submissions Folder

Wednesday, Feb. 24

Thursday, Feb. 25

Friday, Feb. 26



Monday, March 1

Tuesday, March 2

Wednesday, March 3

Thursday, March 4

Friday, March 5

Quarter Three
What Are We Reading This Quarter? Unbroken and various short stories (legends/fables/myths)
Grammar This Quarter: Folk Tales and Legends, Antonynm/Synonym; Greek and Latin Root Words; Suffixes/Prefixes; Explicit and Implicit Text
What Are We Writing This Quarter? Informative (POW) essay; Speech (record Podcast); Various Journal Topics

ELAGSE8W1: Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.


  • Monday. Feb. 1
    • No Vocab HW this Week. Quiz on Unbroken List 8 - Friday
    • Warm Up (Prefixes/Suffixes #5)
    • Read Unbroken CH. 22 - 24 - Printed Class Set on front table
    • Fill in notes (handout) for these chapters
    • Grab the Podcast handout from the front table. Re-read Louis' POW speech. Write your own
    • Be ready to record your speech on a podcast
    • If time: Grab the "I Wish My Teacher Knew" handout from the front table. Fill it in and put in the inbox before you leave class.
  • Tuesday, Feb. 2
  • Wednesday, Feb. 3
  • Thursday, Feb. 4
    • Review vocab Quiz on Unbroken List 8 - Friday
    • Warm Up (71)
    • Journal 44
    • Read. Ch. 31- Unbroken
    • Discuss Unbroken Ch.32
    • Read Unbroken Ch. 33
    •  Watch clip and clip
    • Work on your speech/podcast (record today)- Anchor.fm
    • Extra Credit Opportunity : Unbroken
  • Friday, Feb. 5
    • Vocab Quiz - Schoology: Upcoming
    • Journal 45
    • Submit Journals 45-50 : Schoology: Journal Submissions Folder
    • Turn in warm ups
    • Handout : Unbroken Theme Collage-  create/draw/write one of the book themes and draw images or words around it. Full Color. Turn it in.
    • If time: What I Wish My Teacher Knew handout
    • Record your podcast speech. Submit link in Schoology : Q3 Folder : Unbroken Folder
    • Be sure to turn in your speech script (front table/Inbox)
    • Extra Credit Opportunity : Unbroken


Monday, Feb. 8

  • Warm Up
  • Vocab - Unbroken LIst 9
  • Homework : Vocab Template Chart - due Tuesday
  • Read Unbroken Ch. 34; discuss and fill in notes
  • Watch Louie returns home clip
  • Watch Clip  - Louie meets Cynthia (:49)
  • Unbroken Unit Test Study Guide - test is Thursday
  • Almanac assignment 
  • Extra Credit Opportunity : Unbroken
  • Reminder: Turn in late/missing work. Grades due tomorrow by 4 PM

Tuesday, Feb. 9 - Grades due today by 4 PM

  • Warm Up
  • Turn in vocab homework
  • Progress Grades due today by 4 PM
  • Read Unbroken Ch. 35
  • Discuss Unbroken Ch. 36 and 37
  • Almanac assignment 
  • Extra Credit Opportunity : Unbroken

Wednesday, Feb. 10

Thursday, Feb. 11

  • Warm Up
  • Unbroken Unit Test : Schoology; Upcoming (use your notes/study guide)
  • Journal 47
  • I Wish my Teacher Knew handout
  • Work on individual writing prompt (from group Almanac)
  • Unbroken Behind the Scenes clip

Friday, Feb. 12

  • Journal 48
  • Vocab Quiz - Schoology: Upcoming - Unbroken List 9
  • Almanac Assignment - finish and submit (both parts)
  • Extra credit due today
  • Pick a debate topic and which side you are on
    • sign up before you leave class today (for your topic). 
  • Remembering Louie Zamperini’s life video



Feb. 15 - 17 -- No School

Thursday, Feb.18

  • Warm Up
  • No Vocab or HW or Quiz this week
  • Journal 49
  • Research your debate topic; write your debate speech

Friday, Feb. 19

  • Debate!
  • Take notes as you listen to the debates; turn in your paper to the Inbox (front table)


Monday, March 8

  • Q3 Exam Review
  • Vocab : QE ELA Exam Review list
    • no vocab HW or quiz this week
  • Q3 ELA Exam Study Guide Today - digital version here
  • Schoology: Q3 Exam Review Materials Folder 
    • Complete Monday's green puzzle piece practice assignment
    • Complete the suffix/prefix practice green puzzle piece
    • Complete the suffix/prefix/root handout (front table)
    • Q3 ELA Exam Review - Quizlet Live

Tuesday, March 9

  • Q3 Exam Review
  • Vocab : QE ELA Exam Review list
  • Q3 ELA Exam Study Guide Today - digital version here
  • Schoology: Q3 Exam Review Materials Folder 
    • Complete Tuesday's green puzzle piece practice assignment
    • Play the Identifying Bias Khan Academy game (same folder)
    • Complete the suffix/prefix/root handout #2 (front table)
    • Q3 ELA Exam Review - Quizlet Live

Wednesday, March 10

  • Q3 Exam Review
  • Vocab : QE ELA Exam Review list
  • Q3 ELA Exam Study Guide Today - digital version here
    • Finish filling in your study guide and review together 
  • Schoology: Q3 Exam Review Materials Folder 

Thursday, March 11 - Exams

  • Q3 Exam Review
  • Q3 ELA Exam Study Guide- digital version here
  • Cinderella (start at 18:38)

Friday, March 12- Exams - Advisment Schedule

  • Q3 ELA Exam Today : Schoology
  • Cinderella (start at 18:38)



Didn't use in 2021


Quarter Four 

  • What are we reading? Green Angel and Green Witch; various poems
  • What are we writing? Poetry/Children's Books; Journals (Quick Writes)
  • Grammar : Review 
  • Assessments: MAP and GA Milestones; Q4 Exam

March 15

Tuesday, March 16

Wednesday, March 17

March 22- March 26 

Monday, March 22

  • Warm Up Poetry Warm Up #5
  • Poetry Vocab List 2
  • HW: Complete the vocab template chart - due Tuesday
  • Poet of the Day : Robert Frost
    • Poetry Handouts
    • Bio on Frost
    • Road Not Taken Comprehension Check  Schoology : Upcoming
  • Journal 52 (do 51 if you didn’t last Thursday
  • Poetry PPT - Review Together
  • Work on your Poetry Project (due April 1)

Tuesday, March 23

Wednesday, March 24

Thursday, March 25

Friday, March 26

Monday, March 29

  • Warm Up 102
  • Vocabulary this week : Figurative Language Words
  • Poet of the Day : Lewis Carroll
  • Review Poetry: Discuss Acrostic and Concrete Poems - brief Youtube videos
  • Discuss Diamante Poems
  • A diamante poem is a great way to practice descriptive writing. A diamante is a seven-line, diamond-shaped poem that begins with a single word and ends with its opposite:

    Line 1: One noun (or topic)
    Line 2: Two adjectives about the noun
    Line 3: Three gerunds (-ing verbs) that relate to the noun
    Line 4: Four nouns (the first two relate to the noun in Line 1, the last two relate to the noun in Line 7)
    Line 5: Three gerunds that relate to the noun in Line 7
    Line 6: Two adjectives that describe the noun in Line 7
    Line 7: Renames the noun from Line 1 (its opposite)      

  • Create your own : Diamante poem(s) - turn in as your TOTD 
  • Work on Poetry/Children's book - due Friday
  • W.E.I.R.D. Time
  • Quick Write /Daily writing Racist Tweets Derail New Career 10 years later

Tuesday, March 30

  • Warm Up 103
  • Review figurative language Vocabulary
  • Schoology: Grammar Folder : Onomatopoeia Folder : Onomatopoeia, practice assignment; personification practice assignment and hyperbole practice assignment
  • Create your own : two of each - Acrostic and Concrete poems
  • Work on Poetry/Children's book - due Friday - due Thursday
  • W.E.I.R.D. Time
  • Quick Write /Daily writing

Wednesday, March 31 

Thursday, April 1 March Madness today from 1 - 2 PM

  • Turn in Warm Ups 102-104
  • March Madness today from 1-2 PM outside
  • Poetry/Children's book - due today
  • If time: Discover Roald Dahl's poems in Willy Wonka movie
  • Discuss Idioms. See Schoology: Q4 : Poetry & Figurative Language Folder: Idoms practice and submit them in Schoology. Download the file to Google Doc, fill it in, and submit it. 
  • Anyone want to share their children's book with the class or with Charlottes class?
  • W.E.I.R.D. Time
  • Quick Write /Daily writing

Friday, April 2 - NO School : Teacher Workday

April 5-9 - Spring Break


April  12 - 16

  • Monday, April 12
    • Warm Up 
    • Introduce Vocabulary Words - Green Angel List 1
    • Read Ch. 1 of Green Angel 
    • Journal 55
      • Submit journals 51-55 - Schoology
    • HW: Write a sentence for each vocab word - due tomorrow (chart in white bucket)
    • IXL H1 and H2 - due Friday
    • W.E.I.R.D. Time
    • Quick Write /Daily writing
  • Tuesday, April 13 - MAP Testing Schedule
  • Wednesday, April 14 - MAP Testing Schedule 
    • Warm Up 
    • Review Vocabulary
    • Read Green Angel- Ch. 3
    • Discussion in Schoology- Q4 folder : Green Angel Novel folder
    • If time: Milestones Review - Which Resource? Choosing Resources
    • IXL H.1 and H.2
    • W.E.I.R.D. Time
    • Quick Write /Daily writing
  • Thursday, April 15
  • Friday, April 16
  • April 19 - 23

  • Monday, April 19
    • Warm Up - MIlestones Review
    • Vocabulary - Green Witch list
    • Green Witch - prediction guide handout
    • HW: Write a synonym. antonym, and sentence for each word. Due tomorrow
    • Read  the first 1/2 of Ch. 1- Green Witch (to pdf page 9 "When the doves returned. . . "
    • IXL G.1 and G.2 - due Friday 
    • W.E.I.R.D. Time
    • Quick Write /Daily writing
    • In class discussion - The Finder is thirteen years old. Green herself is not yet seventeen. They are your age and the ages of your friends. Yet they are facing very adult challenges; they are self-sufficient; they have great responsibilities. How would you behave in their circumstances? How about your friends? What character traits were needed to face what they were up against?
  • Tuesday, April 20
    • Turn in Vocabulary HW - Green Witch list
    • Warm Up  111
    • Finish reading Ch. 1 - Green Witch
    • IXL G.1 and G.2 - due Friday
    • W.E.I.R.D. Time
    • Quick Write /Daily writing
    • Green Witch Questions: After Green’s old neighbor tells her to believe in dreams, she can’t stop thinking about the future. She wonders whether she had had a spell cast on her. What do you think? Is Green bewitched, or was what her neighbor said just good sound advice? What advice does Green get from each of the other witches? How does that advice guide her? How can you apply their advice to your own life? 
  • Wednesday, April 21
    • Warm Up  112
    • IXL G.1 and G.2
    • Review Vocabulary - Green Witch List
    • Read Green Witch Ch. 2
    • W.E.I.R.D. Time
    • Quick Write /Daily writing
    • Green Witch Question: 2. Each of the witches Green visits gives her a small gift for her journey. What are they? Discuss the significance of each and how each helps her to accomplish her quest.
  • Thursday, April 22 - Mrs. Patty is out today
  • Friday, April 23 - Mrs. Patty is out today


Monday, April 26

  • Warm Up #115

  • No Vocab HW or quiz this week

  • Finish reading Green Witch

  • Review Word Wall – No HW or Quiz This Week

  •  Milestones Review - Overall Review quiz in Schoology

  • Green's Instagram Profile handout 

  • Green Angel/Green Witch test is this Thursday; Hand out study guide and start filling in 

Tuesday, April 27

  • Warm Up 116

  • Journal 57

  • Finish Instagram Profile handout

  • Finish filling in study guide

  • Milestones Review Folder : Reading Practice

Wednesday, April 28

Thursday, April 29

Friday, April 30



May 3 - May 6 - Teacher Appreciation Week and Milestones Testing

Monday -  30 Minute Classes

  • Milestones testing (7:30 a.m. - 10:25 a.m.) - ELA Section 1
  • Cars shorts (videos)

Tuesday -  30 Minute Classes

  • Milestones testing (7:30 a.m. - 10:25 a.m.) - ELA Section 2  and Section 3
  • Olaf's Adventures

Wednesday - Career Day   30 Minute Classes

Thursday - 30 Minute Classes

  • Milestones testing (7:30 a.m. - 10:25 a.m.) - Science and SS
  • Career Day Main Event

Friday - Advisement schedule

  • Movie
  • Discuss Career Day - any feedback?
  • Turn in Career Day paper (graphic organizer)
  • Reminder: Twin Day on Monday (see countdown calendar)



May 10-14


  • Warm Up 111
  • 1/2 day planning for ELA teachers
  • Scholastic Scope magazine
    • Read Monster article and answer questions on handout. Complete back side of handout too.


Wednesday - Lunch on the lawn from 12 - 2 PM (altered schedule)

  • Warm Up  113
  • Journal 59 - Google Doc
  • Sweet Story

  • Public Speaking - Flocabulary Public Speaking - Flocabulary (watch video together) 
    • Complete the Read and Respond and the Quiz
    • Check IC for late/missing work
  • CNN10

Thursday -

Friday - Hoops for Heart (during connections); YES Touring at 1:15 PM - Advisement Schedule 


May 17-21

Monday, May 17

  • Hand out Q4 ELA Exam Study Guide
  • Shortened schedule (30 minute classes)
    • Yearbook distribution day; 8th grade class lunch (11:15 - 1:15); Senior Walk at 9 a.m.

Tuesday, May 18

  • Outside all day for Field Day!
  • Bring money for Kona Ice Truck!

Wednesday, May 19

  • Review for Q4 exam - fill in study guide and go over together
  • Poe video
  • CNN10

Thursday, May 20 (Awards Night - invitation only)

  • Review for Exam
  • Scholastic Scope Magazine: read page 5 (mummy) and pages 6-11 (Kids who feed America)
  • Answer Questions in Schoology: Upcoming
  • CNN10

Friday, May 21 (Formal Dance tonight)

  • Review for Exam; Any last questions on study guide?
  • In-class awards
  • CNN10
  • Preview 9th Grade : Romeo and Juliet video clips and summary

May 24-26

Monday, May 24 - Connections Day

  • Q4 ELA Exam - Schoology: Upcoming
  • When you finish the exam : work on late/missing work
  • CNN10

Tuesday, May 25 - exams

  • In-class awards
  • Locker clean out - during SS class. No bookbags or lockers after today
  • 6th period - check off Chromebooks
  • CNN10

Wednesday, May 26 (Last day of School!)

  • Handouts - 5 minute challenge and scavenger hunt 
  • 6th period - check off Chromebooks
  • CNN10